Chapter 92

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"Thanks. Good night." Wilhelm said quietly to the police officer in the corridor before closing their bedroom door. 

He turned to look at Simon who sat down on the bed staring into space.

"Are you ok, Simon?" Wilhelm winced, worrying about him.

"What are we gonna do now, Wille?" He sighed and rested his head in his hands.

Wilhelm hurried over to sit beside Simon and wrap an arm around him. "We can just...turn our phones off, ignore everyone and go to bed until we feel like dealing with it."

Simon glanced sideways at Wilhelm and smirked. "Yeah, ok." 

"It'll be ok, Simon. It won't last forever." Wilhelm touched Simon's arm.

They agreed to ignore the rest of the news reports as long as possible and just be together until they couldn't avoid the media storm anymore.

Wilhelm understood that Simon was hurt and worried that it was Sara's fault, so he'd hoped to protect Simon from reality a bit longer as well.

Simon had actually considered messaging his sister, but he was afraid to have it confirmed, so he turned his phone off too.

They got ready for bed, finally holding each other under the red rope lights, Wilhelm stroking Simon's hair.  Simon sighed and soon fell asleep in Wilhelm's arms. 

Wilhelm carefully reached up and unplugged the rope lights, then slowly settled back into the same position, cradling Simon there. 

He breathed deeply, inhaling Simon's scent, feeling relaxed and safe. His lids felt heavy and he soon fell asleep too, holding Simon by his side.


Sara made an excuse to Felice that she was tired and went back to their room alone.  She had trouble falling asleep once she was in bed and stared at the ceiling for over an hour.

She was still awake when the tipsy group of girls stopped just outside the bedroom door still chatting excitedly.

She held the pillow over her ears but couldn't drown out their giggles.

She heard Fredrika, "Who did it though?" Someone shooshed her.

"Does it matter?" Madison asked quietly.

Felice replied, concerned,"It's Wille and Simon have to deal with the media again. They were sick of the attention." 

Sara lay in bed, listening.  Suddenly it got quiet. She heard the door crack open and saw a shaft of light stream across the room.

She squeezed her eyes shut and pretended to sleep as Felice crept in.


Simon got up early, leaving Wilhelm in bed. He got dressed without turning the lights on then crouched over to softly kiss Wilhelm's forehead, trying not to wake him.

"Where are you going?" Wilhelm asked in a groggy voice as Simon touched the door. Simon turned back to look down at him.

"I have to rehearse for Graduation. I've missed a few and I don't want to have problems with the director."

"Oh. Ok." Wilhelm smiled after him, sad to see him go.

Simon moved back to the bed to stand beside Wilhelm. "But you should sleep." 

"Nah, I'll get up." Wilhelm pulled the blanket to one side and set his feet on the floor, reaching out to grab the hem of Simon's sweater and pulling him closer to wrap his arms around Simon's waist.

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