6. Insurance

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The evening of the Jubilee...

He reluctantly made his way to August's room. He didn't know what the "favor" would be this time.

August opened up at the first knock and nervously ushered Alexander inside before closing and locking the door behind him. August held one hand behind his back as he stood there shirtless. He was an alarming image for just a moment until he began to speak.

"I need you to hold on to this." He pulled the pill bottle out from behind his back and held it out to Alexander.

"The Court's called me in tomorrow and I need to make sure it's safe while I'm gone. Now that people know they're together, the Court will probably decide to protect Simon, so we need to protect our evidence too."

Alexander had accepted the single bottle knowing it was the only evidence they had that could incriminate Simon, and the irony wasn't lost on him that once again he was being used to hold drugs for August.

Alexander stashed the bottle in the interior pocket of his jacket and went back downstairs. Before he pushed his own door open, he looked over at Wilhelm's. Wilhelm wasn't home. He'd been taken away by Jan Olof after his speech. For a moment, Alexander missed what it was like when he'd thought Wilhelm was his friend.

He turned the handle and went into his own room. He closed the door, then sat on his bed and pulled the bottle out of his inside pocket. He turned it over in his hand several times, listening to the click of pills as they moved across each other and hit the inside of the bottle.

He held it still and read the label again: Micke Ericksson. It was the only thing that was stopping Simon and Wilhelm from going to the police and reporting August for the sex tape.

Alexander was surprised that Wilhelm hadn't realised Alexander could never take the blame for filming the video either: Alexander had already been caught with the backpack full of drugs at that point.

Wilhelm understood that it made no sense for Alexander to help August when he hated him, but he somehow didn't realise or remember that Alexander would have had to be in two places at once, and if it were investigated, they would quickly figure that out.

It seemed that Wilhelm had been so distraught at the thought of Simon's life being ruined and possibly losing him that he just accepted what August and Alexander had told him.

As he sat on his bed contemplating the little white bottle, it occurred to Alexander that he didn't really have to give the pills back to August.

He thought that really, there was no reason he should protect either of them. On the contrary, August had always used and mistreated Alexander; he was even now.

The idea of August going to jail for making a sex video of Wilhelm and Simon didn't bother Alexander at all. In fact, it only seemed right that everyone should get what was coming to them...


The next day at the palace...

"We all need to have a conversation, Wilhelm. That's why he's here. This has all gotten out of control and we need to find a solution that works for everyone so we can avoid any more problems." The Queen said calmly.

"Trust me. It's better this way. Let us explain and then you can decide what you want to do once you have all the information." She sat down behind her desk.

Wilhelm took a deep breath and looked at Simon. Simon shrugged and shook his head doubtfully but didn't say anything.

"We'll listen to what you have to say, but he can't be trusted." Wilhelm looked at August accusingly before following Jan Olof to a seat away from him, shaking his head. Simon followed quietly and sat next to Wilhelm.

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