20. Fireworks

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There were workers bustling all over Hillerska's grounds, clearing away space and stacking scrap wood for the evening's bonfire.

Everyone spilled out of the dining room and headed back to their houses to get ready for a late lunch with their parents.

The girls drank from Stella's flask in Felice's room. They listened to music and laughed as they tried outfits and accessories.

"You know, we could dress up as witches since it's Valborg." Fredrika suggested.

"I'm not dressing up as a witch!" Stella laughed at her.

Madison smirked and agreed, "No. I'm not dressing up as a witch then standing next to a bonfire."

"I'm just saying it's tradition." Fredrika added, indignant.

Felice looked around at her friends smiling and suddenly wished that Sara were there. She turned the music down and the girls turned to look at her.

"Hey, so, Sara is coming back to live at Hillerska." She hesitated slightly as she saw the different reactions around the room.

"What?! Why would she come back to live here? She's not going to share with you again, is she?"

Fredrika said it and immediately knew by Felice's reaction that that was exactly the plan. "But why would you let her back in your room after she dated your ex behind your back?!" She asked shocked.

"Because I never cared about August. She knows it was wrong and she apologized. And now she understands that he's awful...she just...had never been in love before."

"That doesn't sound like a good enough excuse to me." This time it was Stella who spoke up. She sat on Sara's bed and crossed her arms over her chest frowning at Felice.

"Well, she's like...it's not as easy for her to understand how other people feel. She didn't really get why it would hurt...me." Felice explained.

It occurred to Felice suddenly just how angry they would be if they knew how Sara had actually betrayed her brother by starting a relationship with the person who released his sex tape.

Madison shrugged her shoulders and nodded. "Makes sense. She doesn't really have any experience. I'm not really surprised he tricked her."

Felice gave Madison a half smile. Stella and Fredrika gave each other a skeptical look then gradually went back to getting ready again.


Workers had set up picnic blankets around the pond and fountain for lunch and there were waiters milling around the lawn and stone paths with wine and champagne for the parents as they arrived.

Students whose parents were able to come were waiting at the top of the parking lot for them.

Felice's mother and father were among the first to arrive. She stood and smiled widely as they approached. She was struggling to stifle a deep yawn and it made her eyes water.

She hugged both her parents then led them over to where the headmistress and staff welcomed them to Hillerska's Valborg celebration.

Simon and Wilhelm stood next to each other waiting patiently for Linda and Sara and suddenly Wilhelm noticed August coming down the hill from Forest Ridge.

Wilhelm felt his heart beat faster. Simon noticed Wilhelm was distracted and looked up the hill to see why.

Simon gave Wilhelm a sideways glance without changing his expression.

Wilhelm lifted his eyebrows at Simon then they both turned back to watch the rest of the arrivals.

Immediately they saw August's mother and stepfather getting out of their car and heading up to greet him.

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