21. Choir

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Simon held his phone in his hand in front of them as they sat close together on the blanket, waiting for the end.

The fireworks were suddenly so loud that it was impossible to hear anything else around them.

They'd been added to a group chat, but apart from the two of them, no one else had been added yet.

They were alone with the anonymous chat admin who wasn't saying or sending anything. They were tense as they waited for something to happen.

Suddenly it was quiet again. They looked up from the phone and could only see the clouds of smoke and the outline of the explosives where the phosphorus had rapidly burnt away.

There was a smattering of applause that got louder. Then when they finally died down again, the headmistress announced that the choir would perform one last song to thank the guests for coming.

Simon looked at Wilhelm, concerned and restless that things weren't going as planned, but he had to go.

He pushed himself up off the blanket as Wilhelm watched him, wishing he didn't have to leave. They looked at one another, confused. One shrugged, the other shook his head.

Simon hesitated for a moment then walked quickly back up toward the bonfire to join the rest of the choir including Felice.

"Is everything ok?" Felice asked him as he joined the choir looking worried.

"Have you got a message?" He asked her in response.

She quickly pulled out her phone and checked. "Nothing yet." She answered him quietly. "You?"

Simon nodded then looked around quickly to make sure no one was paying attention before taking out his phone to show her.

"That's the group name?" She smirked. "Maybe once our parents leave?" She whispered.

"Maybe." Simon slipped his phone back into his pocket. He felt disappointed but tried to hide it.

Felice nodded then they both faced forward to look at the choir teacher and waited for her to give the signal.

Simon suddenly saw Wilhelm arrive behind her. Wilhelm clasped his hands and held them in front of him then grinned at Simon.

Simon noticed the other parents staring conspicuously at Wilhelm as if they were examining his every move.

Several glanced back and forth from Wilhelm to Simon, and they were both aware of the mixture of supportive and curious but also skeptical and disapproving faces that surrounded them.

Simon mirrored Wilhelm's posture and clasped his hands in front of him. He lowered his head so he wouldn't have to see the judgemental faces around him.

The choir teacher had lifted her arms until they were all focussed on her. Simon still felt them watching him but he took a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut momentarily as he listened to the rest of the choir come in.

Then he opened his eyes and lifted his head to immediately see Wilhelm still smiling at him. He felt the complicity, understanding and love that was coming from Wilhelm and he confidently began his solo.

🎵 Falling, we are falling down...
Words written down
They are falling now

With the lies they will hurt you
Hold on
Human kindness desert you
Hold on

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