11. Legal Guardian

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Wilhelm watched the bus turn and leave, ignoring the other passengers who were staring. As soon as it was out of sight he turned on his heel and went back up the hill to the school building.

Alexander was sitting outside with Walter, Henry and a couple of other first year boys. Wilhelm thought he might just leave it, but then he paused.

He stopped directly in front of them.

"Hey Wille!" Henry and Walter greeted him first. Wilhelm nodded in reply but fixed Alexander in his sights.

"I need to talk to you for a minute."

Alexander looked up at Wilhelm, surprised and he was immediately nervous.

"Uh...ok." He stood up slowly and went into the school building with Wilhelm. The other boys watched them go, curious about what was going on at first, then they went back to their own conversation.

They went inside and found an empty alcove with no foot traffic. It happened to be very near where Simon and Wilhelm had stopped to speak just before his Jubilee speech.

Wilhelm would have smirked to himself if he hadn't been so stressed.

There was very little risk of them being overheard as almost everyone was out on the lawn or picnic tables sitting in the sun before it finally went down.

"It was you?" He said it as a question but he wasn't really asking. Alexander didn't reply except to lift his eyebrows as if to say it was obvious.

"What did Simon ever do to you?"

"He didn't have to let me take the blame, but really, it was you lying and pretending to be my friend."

"But you're not hurting me."

"Really? I'm not? You care more about Simon than you care about yourself."

Wilhelm couldn't pretend it wasn't true. He fixed Alexander with his gaze and gritted his teeth.

"I just want everyone to pay for what they did to me." Alexander continued.

Wilhelm furrowed his brow. "So what about August then?"

"He's got almost no chance of being Crown Prince now, right?" Alexander smirked.

Wilhelm hesitated, realising that he shouldn't let Alexander know that he was correct.

"Why do you say that? There's no other option for a backup. He's not linked to the drugs or the video, and if the public never knows about either, the Court can still use him."

Alexander furrowed his brow then, "So what would you do to make him pay?" He asked.

"Well...I can't report him for the video because the Court doesn't want that obviously...but he confessed to you and tried to drag you into taking the blame for the tape. You could report him if you want everyone to get what they deserve." Wilhelm lifted his eyebrows at Alexander.

Alexander narrowed his eyes at Wilhelm, "He was never going to let me take the blame for it. How would I? I was already in custody for Simon's drugs by the time August was making the video."

Wilhelm remembered how insane it seemed that Alexander had agreed to risk prison to help August of all people.

And of course it was just another one of August's lies. Wilhelm felt stupid for not realising sooner.

The only one at risk had been Simon, and now he was still the only one facing any consequences and it enraged Wilhelm.

"So August just gets away with everything? And you're fine with that?"

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