9. Investigation

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His heart beat faster as he suddenly caught sight of the two police officers approaching the door. He froze as the female officer stepped forward and rang the bell. At the sound of the chime Sara opened her bedroom door.

"Who is it?" she asked as she walked out and came up beside Simon. Then she saw them through the window too, and stopped.

She turned to look at Simon and could tell he was terrified. She shook her head. "It's probably just about the report I made against August. I'll go."

She moved forward to get the door. Simon moved back and pulled his phone from his pocket to send a message to Wilhelm. He meant to give more detail in the message but the officers were already greeting Sara, and then Simon, as they spotted him standing back.

"Is your mother in?" The male officer asked Sara.

"Um, no, she's not here right now." She answered.

"Ah, well, we'd like to ask you some questions, but your mother would need to be present." The officer continued.

Sara looked over at Simon nervously, then back at the officers. "Oh, well she won't be back from work for a few hours. Can we do it another time?"

"Yes, if you could come in tomorrow afternoon...we could do it then."

"Ok. I'll let my mother know. Thanks." She had her hand on the door, slowly starting to push it shut.

"And your brother." The officer added suddenly.

She paused, pulling the door wide again. "Sorry?"

"Yes, we need to speak to your brother too." He looked over at Simon whose eyes got wider.

"Oh...ok. Um...we'll see you tomorrow." Sara closed the door slowly as the officers bid them goodbye and turned to go.

Sara turned and looked at Simon. Simon stared back at his sister helplessly, still frozen on the spot.


Wilhelm's heart dropped. He stood there, staring at his phone. Jan Olof stopped and turned back to see what was wrong.

"Kronprinsen?" He asked and gave Wilhelm a questioning glance.

Wilhelm held his phone out to Jan Olof who came forward and read the message quickly. His eyes got wide and he immediately signalled for Wilhelm to continue following him.

They made their way into the dining room where Minou, Farima and a few other advisers were conferring with the Queen about Wilhelm's statement.

"Why did she think she could ask that question? It had nothing to do with the statement or the Royal Family. We have to reconsider allowing them exclusive interviews from now on if they're going to use that sort of ambush journalism."

Kristina was getting more heated as she spoke. Then she caught sight of Wilhelm behind Jan Olof and her tone softened. "Wilhelm...är du okej, gubben?"

Wilhelm shook his head as he locked eyes with her. Jan Olof explained.

"Your Majesty, the police are at Simon's house."

Kristina immediately stood up. She hesitated only a moment, then asked, "Was it August?"

"We don't know anything yet, Your Majesty. Kronprinsen, can you phone Simon to see what's going on now? If he doesn't answer, we may need to send someone. Farima, contact the legal team, please."

Farima nodded as she stood, took her phone, and moved away from the dining table to notify the legal team.

Wilhelm phoned Simon. He waited impatiently as it rang three times before he finally heard Simon's voice answer.

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