5. Meeting

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"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you, mi amor?" Linda asked him for the third time since the previous evening.

Linda was drinking her coffee, Simon finishing his cereal, and Sara sipping herbal tea as she listened to the conversation, glancing back and forth from one to the other as they spoke.

"No, mamma, it's fine. They said you didn't need to this time. Some other day." Simon lied, knowing that they would most definitely be speaking about the drugs and how to handle August.

Simon thought it was better if Linda didn't know about any of it if she didn't have to.

"Ok..." She finally agreed quietly, but seemed concerned and a bit disappointed. "Give Wilhelm my love when you see him."

Simon nodded at her and smiled. "The car's supposed to be here at ten. I need to hurry."

He ate the last of his cereal quickly, then stood to take his bowl to the kitchen before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He'd tried to dress up for the meeting without looking like he was trying too hard. He wore a purple button-up shirt, black slacks, and dress shoes.

He tried to shape his curls as he looked at himself in the mirror once he'd brushed his teeth. He took a deep breath as he thought about the previous night.

Linda had been ecstatic for Simon as soon as she saw Wilhelm's speech. She'd wrapped him in a warm hug as they sat on the sofa, then laughed and jumped up saying that she was going to make popcorn and they could all cuddle on the couch together as they watched their movie.

Simon could tell that she had missed feeling close to her children lately, and that the stress of the video and almost reporting August to the police had been weighing on her.

He was happy to feel the support and closeness of his mom and sister again too, even if it would possibly only be for that evening which they spent cuddled up on the couch.

He'd shared Linda's enthusiasm about Wilhelm's declaration while she went on about how happy she was for Simon and Wilhelm and how sweet and brave Wilhelm was.

It didn't seem to dawn on Linda how much attention Simon and his family would receive now that everyone knew he was actually with the Crown Prince of Sweden, and he didn't want to make her worry by explaining his bus ride home. He just let her be happy for the rest of the evening.

Simon touched his hair softly as he studied his reflection in the bathroom mirror, then he came back out to the dining room. He was about to sit down at the table with Sara and Linda again when he saw the black car drive up at the end of their walkway.

The driver stepped out of the car, and headed directly for their front door. Simon hugged Linda and Sara, said goodbye and rushed out before the driver was able to reach the house.

He was suprised to see Simon hurry out the door but greeted him cordially, "God morgon!"

Simon smiled at him briefly and replied quietly, "God morgon" then followed him back to the car. The driver opened the rear door for him and Simon turned to thank him as he stepped in.

"Hej!" Simon suddenly heard the soft greeting from beside him in the back seat and turned to look into the darkened car, then grinned and scoffed in disbelief.


"August, why don't you have a seat?" Anette suggested as she stepped into the office behind him and shut the door.

"Ok..." August answered reluctantly, giving her a sideways glance as he faced the two men. He went carefully to the one empty chair near them, sliding his hand into his pocket to feel for his phone as he sat down.

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