Chapter 91

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They could already hear the music as they approached the old, dilapidated factory.  Simon turned to Wilhelm, suddenly feeling unsure.  Wilhelm encouraged him to follow, taking his hand.  

Several people hanging out around the building stopped to watch as they went by. They made their way through the entrance then down the darkened corridor illuminated only by neon glow ropes that guided them to the source of the music.

Wilhelm pushed the PVC curtains to one side and held them out of the way so Simon could step through into the main room of the Palace ahead of him.

They were among the last to arrive and were surprised to see the number of people there, dancing, laughing, and chatting throughout the different rooms also decked out in fluorescent rope lights.

All wore glowing necklaces, sashes, head bands or crowns, and had their faces and bodies painted with multi-colored neon paint.  They danced and celebrated their return to Hillerska and the approaching end of the school year.

Several of their classmates turned to acknowledge Wilhelm and Simon as they walked in. The first-year Forest Ridge residents greeting them at the door first.  Alexander stepped back and away from the group quickly.

Henry and Valter clapped the two of them on the shoulders and joked about not seeing them all that day or evening, suggesting they'd just shut themselves away together in their bedroom.

Wilhelm and Simon laughed as they realised they'd apparently snuck in and out of school quite successfully, although what Henry and Valter said was partially true. 

They had spent the evening shut away from the other Forest Ridge residents because they wanted to be alone together. 

Then Henry and Valter handed them each glow ropes. Simon wore his on his head and encouraged Wilhelm to do the same. Wilhelm immediately felt slightly uncomfortable wearing even a pretend crown.

Before he had more time to think about it, Felice and Sara spotted them and gave an animated wave.  Wilhelm and Simon headed over to join the girls telling the boys they'd see them later.

Felice and Sara greeted them happily exchanging hugs and congratulations.  Stella, Fredrika and Madison greeted them then went back to dancing, drinking and laughing nearby. 

Felice gushed over how excited she was for the positive turn in the trial, making sure they couldn't be heard over the music. Sara greeted them too but held back her enthusiasm.

As Wilhelm and Felice chatted for a moment Sara turned to Simon and asked, "There's still nothing about him in the news.  Are you going to tell them?"

Simon paused, taken aback, and glanced at Wilhelm. Wilhelm stopped mid-sentence and met Simon's eyes. He and Felice turned to listen to their conversation abandoning their own.

Simon answered her, "Well, he hasn't been convicted yet.  It could still be in the news soon." Simon hoped the answer would satisfy her even though it wasn't really what they wanted anymore.

Sara frowned and shrugged at them. "Why wait though?"


"What? Why don't you just go to the press?" She looked at Wilhelm then back at Simon. Her voice was getting louder.

Simon scanned around at the other students who were dancing and celebrating. "Everyone here already knows it was him. But we don't really want it in the news again. We want him to go to prison, and then things can calm down."

Simon wasn't proud that his own words sounded like something the Royal Court would say.

Sara fixed her gaze on Simon, relentless. "But it's like he's getting away with it."

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