26. Escape

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They lay on Wilhelm's bed facing each other. Wilhelm had his back to the wall and cradled his head in his own hand as he watched Simon who was looking at him in a similar position.

It seemed like the best idea to spend as much time hidden away together while everyone was still gossiping about August and the video.

They'd left Boris' office a few hours earlier feeling encouraged that they had at least one adult on their side but there were still too many unknowns.

Firstly it seemed that August had simply disappeared, and although neither wanted to admit it, they were both worried that he had either done something desperate, or slipped away from Hillerska while everyone was distracted.

However there hadn't been any news from the headmistress or rest of the administration about it.

So in the meantime they'd settled on hiding away together, or at least trying to. They still heard animated conversation going down the hallway or coming from the common room from time to time but no one came to Wilhelm's door to bother them.

It seemed that everyone had finally learned to knock or message before bothering Wilhelm.

"Are we really going to hide in here all afternoon?" Simon smirked up at Wilhelm. "I have to go home eventually."

Wilhelm looked down at him and shrugged giving him a cheeky grin.

"Or we could go out...and then you could go home after..." Wilhelm suggested.

"You mean while things are still sort of calm outside of school..."

As Simon said it, he realised things hadn't really been calm or normal since Wilhelm's speech, or since the sex tape had been released really, and they probably never would be completely normal again.

"Mm, you want to take the bus into Bjärstad?" Wilhelm asked, only half joking.

Simon lifted his eyebrows at Wilhelm. "I guess then people would stare, but they won't be as rude if you're there too."

"Oh..." Wilhelm furrowed his brow at Simon's comment.

"I mean...people are just annoying sometimes." Simon tried to minimize it.

"Yeah...but, we should before any of this gets out."

Simon smiled hesitantly up at Wilhelm. "We've got a while before we can go out without anyone seeing us."

"Ok." Wilhelm leaned in, wrapping his arms around Simon's waist and pulling him in closer. He kissed Simon's forehead softly, then kissed the tip of his nose, making Simon laugh suddenly.

"What are you doing?!" Simon smiled and giggled bringing his hand up to rub his nose. "That tickles."

"Sorry." Wilhelm smiled then pulled Simon in close again touching his forehead and nose to Simon's for a moment before kissing his lips softly.

Wilhelm heard Simon exhale deeply when he pulled away again and Wilhelm smiled as he looked deep into Simon's eyes and down at his lips. He licked his own lips unconsciously.

Simon reached up and clasped his hands at the back of Wilhelm's neck to pull him in again and kiss him more deeply.

Simon stroked his fingers through Wilhelm's hair and they began to get carried away, hearing each other's breaths become more urgent. As they kissed, each tried to pull the other in closer, tugging at their clothes, then fumbling to pull them off.

Suddenly Simon opened his eyes again and realised how bright the room still was.

"Vänta!"(wait) He pulled away and rolled to the edge of the bed planting one foot on the floor. He stood and hurried over to the window.

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