Chapter 45

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There was a click as the call disconnected, and Simon wished he could have spoken to Wilhelm or at least listened to his voice just a bit longer. 

He was disappointed that the call had been so quick but it reminded him of the last time Wilhelm had called him in the middle of the night...

Simon wished that it were as simple as running to rescue Wilhelm from an overdose and hypothermia on the football field.

This time Wilhelm promised they would see each other soon, and he didn't want Simon to worry about him, but it was just what Wilhelm had said to try and make Simon feel better, he thought.

Simon thought about rescuing Wilhelm from the palace.  For a moment he actually envisioned Wilhelm being held in a tower like Rapunzel and he scoffed at himself. 

He thought, 'they can't lock a Crown Prince in a tower anymore...or a dungeon?' He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, suddenly unsure what the Royal Court might do...and wondering if they might still have a dungeon.

He swung his feet onto the floor and saved the number on his phone as 'Wille-palace'.  He wasn't going to call Wilhelm back, but just in case Wilhelm managed to call him again...

It was still dark out but the color of the sky was changing.  It was as if the dawn were on the verge of arriving, but it was still at least a couple of hours until daylight.  Simon could see the blue curtains with a dim glow behind them from the change in the sky.

He sat on the edge of Wilhelm's bed thinking he didn't want to go to the police alone, not without Wilhelm at least.  It didn't feel right without him, and Simon actually wondered if he would be believed on his own.

Simon thought about asking for help from the school staff but decided against it.  The headmistress would never help since she was under the Queen's thumb.  

Simon couldn't trust any of the teachers either.  Most had never shown any interest in Simon or his life, so he could only assume they would support the headmistress, and the Royal Family.

Disappointedly he thought of the choir teacher and when he'd been so happy she was in favor of change and modernisation at the school, but as soon as Jan Olof had told her no to Simon singing his song, she'd folded under the pressure.  

All of the teachers were aware that Simon and Wilhelm had been in a sex tape that was filmed on campus and leaked by one of their classmates, and it was now common knowledge that the classmate was August.  And still, none of them had gone to the police. 

The policy of secrecy at Hillerska in favor of not just the Royal Family, but the other wealthy and influential families, had been in place forever and Simon knew he didn't have the power to change it on his own.

He lay down again, cuddling the sweater that smelled like Wilhelm near to his face and closing his eyes as he breathed it in deeply trying to calm himself.

He still didn't know what to do and realised there was nothing he could do at that time of night.  He felt tearful from frustration, but just managed to fall asleep again, clutching Wille's sweater and pillow.


The floor creaked just outside the dining room door.  Wilhelm thought someone must have heard him slip out of his bedroom and followed him there.  He stood stock-still and held his breath, waiting for them to move first, but nothing happened.

Suddenly he heard a whisper. "Wilhelm?" The door was suddenly cracked open, then pushed wider.

Ludvig stood in the doorway in his pajamas, wide-eyed and surprised to see Wilhelm there.

"Pappa?"  He called to his father quietly.  Ludvig looked up and down the corridor to his left and right, checking for guards or other staff that might be wandering the palace, then he quietly shuffled into the dining room and carefully pulled the door closed behind.

"What are you doing in here?" He asked his son, furrowing his brow.

"I couldn't sleep.  I...wanted to talk to Simon." Wilhelm hesitated.

"Did you manage?" Ludvig asked as he drew closer and glanced down at the old phone. 

Wilhelm nodded, giving a sad smile.

"I thought you'd go straight to the police..." Ludvig whispered, moving in closer.

"I know.  We waited too long." He glanced around the room as if he were surveying a prison cell.  "...and August figured it out...Mamma doesn't know it was you, does she?" He wondered suddenly, looking back at Ludvig.

Ludvig shook his head.

"I told Simon he should still report August." Wilhelm glanced at the old phone again.

"And? Is he going to?" Ludvig raised his brow at Wilhelm.

Wilhelm shrugged. "Maybe.  I hope so...but I think he's scared we'll be kept apart..." He admitted, feeling the same fear like a fist inside his chest.  He exhaled shakily.

"It wouldn't be forever though." His father tried to reassure him.

"No...but I don't want to wait for two years either, pappa."  Wilhelm frowned and implored his father.

Ludvig nodded and inhaled deeply, then looked around the dining room.  "I don't think all hope is lost though." He met Wilhelm's eyes again and smiled sadly.

Wilhelm became sullen and looked at the floor, unconvinced.

"Does he still have the evidence?" Ludvig looked at Wilhelm curiously.

Wilhelm nodded reluctantly. "Yeah...I mean...Felice does, but it's safe."

"Ok..." Ludvig moved to the door, ready to open it, but, seeing that WIlhelm wasn't following behind him, he turned back. 

"What...?" Wilhelm whispered across the room to his father, confused.

Ludvig said nothing, but looked at Wilhelm knowingly, then opened the door into the corridor and motioned for Wilhelm to go out quietly.

Wilhelm froze on the spot for a moment, then hesitated before moving forward and going out into the corridor ahead of his father, trying not to let the floor creak.


Simon was awakened suddenly.  He was groggy and deeply confused. He thought it must be the worst night's sleep he'd ever had in his life, but then the noise came again. 

It was a persistent series of taps at the windowpane and Simon suddenly sat up, wide-eyed, staring at the window. 

He saw a silhouette through the blue curtains and squinted, trying to get used to the low light again.

Then suddenly he heard his name whispered urgently. "Simon!" The tapping came again too.

Simon stood up and carefully crept to the curtain.  He hesitated a moment as he brought his hand up to the curtain, ready to pull it aside. The voice came a bit louder and more urgent. "Simon!" Simon was startled and pulled back.

"Simon, it's me!"

A smile spread across Simon's lips and he immediately tore the curtain back and moved forward to unlock the window as he recognized the auburn-haired boy who hunched down just below the window, scanning around to make sure he wasn't spotted.

Young Royals Season 3 (Version 3)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora