Chapter 43

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Simon saw Hillerska come into view through the trees.  He still felt lost and desperate. It had taken him some time to decide where to go and what to do once they'd taken Wilhelm away.

Simon had tried to message Wilhelm but hadn't had a response.  He thought of contacting Linda, but immediately decided against it.

He knew Wilhelm meant for him to report August anyway.  Felice still had the investigators' report saved on her laptop, and there was no reason for Simon not to simply go back, get another copy, and then return to the police station to file charges against August on his own.

Wilhelm had been very clear the night before. As they were copying the report over for the second time he whispered to Simon urgently.

"There's nothing they can do to me that will stop us from reporting him, ok? Even if they try to keep us apart, we'll figure it out, but he has to pay! Do you promise?" Wilhelm had asked, and Simon had agreed, but now he didn't feel sure as he was suddenly faced with the reality: Wilhelm was gone.

The moment when he'd pulled Simon close and hugged him at the car, Wilhelm had again whispered urgently to him: "Felice!"  It was confirmation of what they'd agreed on, that Simon had to go to the police anyway. 

In that moment that Wilhelm held him tightly, Simon closed his eyes and squeezed Wilhelm back, suddenly feeling sick as he understood that they were being separated.

Of course Kristina could take Wilhelm out of Hillerska, but what if she tried to keep them away from each other forever?  Simon told himself that it wasn't possible, but then he realised she could if she chose to, at least until Wilhelm was eighteen.

So...Simon got on the bus...and headed back to school once the initial shock had worn off.

He tried a few more times to contact Wilhelm while he sat near the back, but his messages were left unread.  Simon wondered if they might even have taken Wilhelm's phone from him.

Soon after, Simon got a message from Felice. She and Sara were back at the Manor House from camping and had seen Wilhelm's message too. She wanted to know how it was going and why Wilhelm wasn't responding to her either.

Simon decided to wait to tell her what was going on since he wasn't completely sure himself.  He thought the same for Sara.

He thought about the Queen wanting to separate them again.  He couldn't imagine not seeing Wilhelm and possibly not even speaking to him for almost two years.  He closed his eyes and his heart ached.  He felt a sob rise in his throat and his breathing became shaky as he held it down.

Then Simon heard loud chatter and looked up at the passengers who had just gotten on.  The bus only had about fifteen people on board at that moment, but these particular passengers were making their way directly toward him for some reason.

It took him a moment before he recognized the group of boys from the other day, and he suddenly saw the one who'd grabbed him.

Simon held his breath and tried to slump down behind the seat and hide.  Unfortunately the boy had already seen him.  A wicked grin spread across his face and he made a beeline for Simon.

"Simon! Where have you been?!" He laughed as he pretended they were old friends.

Simon glanced up at him quickly then looked away again, but made sure to move to the aisle seat to avoid being trapped. He wrapped himself in a hug and stared out the window, wanting to disappear.

"C'mon, move over and we can sit together!" The boy insisted sarcastically.

Simon still refused to look at him. The two friends sat down nearby, looking at each other, amused.

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