Chapter 74

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Sara rushed in just in time. Felice and Wilhelm were already in their seats waiting for Mr. Englund with the rest of the class. They'd decided to meet up for coffee early and Sara had hung back, taking her time to get ready and read the news.

That's when she'd stumbled across the headline about the investigation at Hillerska. She sent it to Simon and then hurried to class.

She immediately suspected that Wilhelm must be behind it but she didn't want to say that to Simon. He'd said he didn't want Wilhelm to do anything about the expulsion so she wasn't sure how he would feel about it.

She thought he'd probably come to the same conclusion on his own anyway.  

Felice and Wilhelm had been meeting up more often, but she'd attributed that to Wilhelm needing company in Simon's absence.

Now she wondered if they'd both really been scheming to take the entire school down along with August. She thought it was ambitious but she wouldn't put it past them.

She managed to slip in just before Mr. Englund arrived. She hurried to sit down and planned to show Felice and Wilhelm the headline as soon as class was done, but she didn't get the chance.

They were in the middle of the lesson when the silence was suddenly broken by a knock at the door.

"Kom in!" Mr. Englund responded gruffly, annoyed at the interruption.

The housemaster hesitated a moment then stepped in and went to Mr. Englund's desk, leaning down and speaking to him in whispers which grew more excited as he went.

They watched Mr. Englund's expression go through an evolution of different emotions in a very short period. From annoyance to mild surprise and finally astonishment.

Göran hurried out again and Mr. Englund stood. He announced that all classes would be suspended until further notice and that everyone should head back to their rooms or head home in the case of non-boarders.

Loud murmurs went around the room. Wilhelm turned to look behind him at Sara and Felice but kept a neutral expression.

The rest of the class was shocked and confused but they got no further explanation from their teacher.

Mr. Englund packed up his things and the students started to follow suit and file out in small groups.

Everyone was whispering about what was going on, confused and getting more excited about their time off.

As they stepped out into the open air behind their classmates, Felice leaned in to Wilhelm and spoke quietly.

"Just come over to ours. You don't have to stay in your room alone."

"I'm gonna drop off my book and make a call." He answered, smiling since he could tell she knew who he meant. "I'll come over after. See you in a bit." Felice said goodbye and Wilhelm turned to continue down the hill with his police escort following close behind.

In the confusion and noise she'd been distracted but Sara opened her mouth to speak. Unfortunately Wilhelm was already headed away before she could get a word out.

She decided  they could send him a message later, otherwise he'd find out about the news story soon enough.


Wilhelm passed Walter and Henry who were stopped and chatting to Alexander as he made his way back down to Forest Ridge. They gave each other knowing glances but Wilhelm kept moving without a word to the group of boys.

He took out his phone and slowed his pace so he wouldn't miss a step or trip on anything. He thought it would be best to message Simon before phoning in case he was already in class, but then he noticed that his police escort had stopped suddenly.

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