2. Unraveling

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"Simon?" Felice noticed that he'd stopped in the doorway and then saw the look of horror on his face.

Simon looked up at her and just held his phone up for her to read the message.

Felice's expression dropped. "Wha-? Let me call her. C'mon."

She waved him inside with her as she pulled out her phone and pulled up Sara's contact. She led Simon toward the Manor House and her room. They both noticed but ignored the curious stares, smirks and whispers that were mostly directed at Simon.

"She's not picking up." She said after waiting several rings. "Try from your phone. Maybe she doesn't want to speak to me." Felice suggested.

Simon still hadn't said a word, but tried to phone Sara as they continued toward Felice's room.

"She's not answering me either." They looked at each other wide-eyed and hurried to her room although they were at a loss of what to do next.


August politely said goodbye to the Royal Family, trying to smile as he searched the Queen's face for some indication of what she was thinking. She didn't smile, but apart from that she gave nothing away.

He couldn't be sure of exactly what the Court's reaction would be, but he still had hope that Wilhelm's confession would work in his favor.

It could go one of two ways in August's mind: Either Wilhelm had proven he wasn't fit to be Crown Prince because he was too unpredictable, or, the Court would have to support him publicly now that he was out with Simon to avoid appearing homophobic.

In either case August saw that he still had a chance to become Crown Prince, then King one day if Wilhelm never had children.

He couldn't help thinking suddenly about what it might mean for his role in the release of the video though.

Now that everyone knew it was the Crown Prince they'd seen in the video, they'd be even more curious to find out who had released it...He closed his eyes and clenched his fists momentarily thinking of it as he turned away from the Royal Family and stepped off the platform to head back to Forest Ridge.

He discreetly made his way through the crowd. He passed the other third years including Nils and Vincent who paid him no attention. They were clearly still reeling from the revelation and trying to figure out what would happen now.

"What the fuck?" He heard Nils whisper loudly to Vincent then scoff. Vincent lifted his eyebrows and shrugged before suggesting they head back to Forest Ridge too.

He tried to calm himself with the thought that he'd set up an insurance policy by making sure Wilhelm and Simon would do anything to prevent the information about the pills getting out, including making sure that August was never implicated for the video.

He realised it was also possible that the Royal Court would do the same since Simon was now linked to the Royal Family, and protecting Simon meant protecting August too.

He clung to that hope, that his victims would be the ones to keep him safe in order to keep themselves safe.


Wilhelm and Jan Olof were the only ones in the back of the black van. They were on their way to the palace. Wilhelm looked at Jan Olof waiting for some sign of anger. He wasn't sure what to expect exactly.

Finally Jan Olof turned sideways in the seat to face Wilhelm. His expression was stern but otherwise neutral, which made Wilhelm more nervous than if he'd been noticeably angry.

Wilhelm watched him expectantly.

"Kronprins Wilhelm... we'll need to present a united front to the public and press now. That means you, the rest of the Royal family, Simon, and his family."

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