Chapter 44

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Felice and Sara left the Manor House crossing the grounds. They were focussed on their mission. Felice went through the door first then down the corridor toward Wilhelm's room.

They passed the common room where several Forest Ridge boys were suddenly surprised to see the girls hurry down the corridor.

"What are you doing?! You can't come in here!" Came a shout from the common room once Vincent had stood up and rushed over to the doorway to confront them.

Felice and Sara paused and looked back at him very briefly. Felice sneered at him, rolling her eyes, "Be quiet, Vincent." Felice continued down the hall followed by Sara who smirked as soon as she turned away from Vincent again.

Vincent scoffed and looked back at the other boarders in the common room, at August, who shrugged at Vincent, but also looked up at the door as the girls went past, suspicious that Sara and Felice were there.

They'd all seen Simon go by less than an hour earlier, then saw the bodyguards come in too. The male bodyguard was still keeping watch in the hallway outside of Wilhelm's room and the other boarders were actively speculating about where Wilhelm must be.

August was the only one of them who knew why Wilhelm wasn't there but he played dumb when the other boarders asked what was going on. He'd received a message that Wilhelm and Simon had been prevented from reporting him and that he could relax again. He felt relieved but decided he would make sure to keep track of Simon.

Felice and Sara reached the bodyguard at Wilhelm's door and hesitated.

"Um...we'd like to go in." Felice said shortly. "We want to speak to Simon." Her tone made it clear the guard must already know why they'd come.

He lifted his chin and looked down his nose at her but didn't let them by. He turned to open the door but stood in front of it as he called inside to Simon. "There are some people here to see you."

Simon sat on the empty bed and watched Malin pack two of Wilhelm's suitcases as the other bodyguard stayed outside the room.

"Her Majesty wants to speak to the Crown Prince at the palace. We need to take some of his belongings." Malin had explained but Simon was skeptical of it.

Then Simon had asked Malin why Wilhelm needed to pack anything if they were just going to talk to him. Malin just pursed her lips without offering anything more then turned back to the suitcase and began to fill it.

Simon went to the door and out past the male bodyguard to meet the girls.

"Hey." He greeted them sadly once he reached the hallway. "Let's go to my room." He surveyed the corridor around them before leading the way.

Sara noticed a few of the third years still watching them from the doorway of the common room as they went.

The girls sat on Simon's bed and he leaned back on his desk across from them.

"They stopped us. And now they're taking him out of school. They're saying it's just a few days, but I don't believe them." Simon looked in the direction of Wilhelm's room. "He's not answering messages. I think they took his phone from him."

Felice and Sara looked at each other, concerned and unsure of how to help Simon.

Simon glanced up at the door again then lowered his voice. "We said we'd report him anyway..."

Felice nodded and Sara's gaze flicked from one to the other as they spoke.

"Ok...then...we'll help you." Felice told him, glancing at Sara who nodded then too.

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