23. Decision

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"Why shouldn't I report you to the police, August?"

August flinched then scoffed. "Get the hell in here!" He opened the door wider and pulled Simon in to the room by the sleeve of his sweatshirt then looked up and down the corridor quickly to make sure no one was there before shutting the door behind them.

"What are you talking about?" August continued as he turned to face Simon.

"Tell me why I shouldn't." Simon shrugged and spoke softly as he glared up into August's eyes.

August shook his head and raised an eyebrow looking smug. "Ok...Well, the Royal Court is going to back me if you do."

"How do you know they're not lying to you?" Simon replied immediately.

"Do you really want to take the risk? Here. Look." August went to the bed where he'd left the folder of paperwork from Jan Olof about his preparation for being the backup then thrust it into Simon's hands.

Simon scanned it quickly then set it on the desk next to him shaking his head without really knowing what to make of it.

August smirked at him. "I guarantee they don't want this video in the press anymore. If you report me, do you really think they won't blame you, and your family, for humiliating them and ruining the Royal Family's reputation?"

Simon's eyes got wide and he replied quietly, "You mean like you did by leaking the tape to begin with?"

August glared at him, sneering and shaking his head. "You've got a lot to lose if you decide to risk it. But you must be stupid if you think they're really going to help you two be together without me as the backup. That's not in their plans at all. You need me as much as they do if you want to be with Wille."

Simon hesitated then spoke quietly, aware of what August's reaction would probably be. "But if you're in prison, they wouldn't have a choice..."

Simon watched the outrage wash over August's face. Simon looked around the room realising that he was stuck in a small space with August blocking the only exit apart from the window.

August exhaled and looked at Simon in disgust as he responded very deliberately. "Seriously, you think that someone like you has any chance of getting someone like me sent to prison?"

He paused to see if Simon would answer. Simon just furrowed his brow and discreetly clenched his fists inside the long sleeves of his sweatshirt.

"The Royal Court is going to back me, and you'll be kept away from Wille forever if you report me. He hasn't got any control over what they do. They'll take him out of Hillerska. They'd probably get you expelled for the drugs...then both you and your dad would pay for that together."

Simon flinched slightly at the mention of his father but otherwise just watched August get worked up and throw out insults trying to provoke him. Suddenly August seemed to calm down for a moment.

"My stepfather is a high-powered lawyer. I'd get out of this even without the help of the Royal Court."

August smirked, "You just have to realise that people like you never win against people like me..."

August paused for just a moment grinning smugly at Simon then said, "Now get the fuck out of my room." He opened the door and pushed Simon out of it before closing it behind him.

Simon felt his heart beating faster, but kept his composure. He was slightly dazed as he processed everything that had just happened. He unclenched his fists, then slowly went down the stairs and made his way back to Wilhelm's room on the ground floor.

He opened the door and found his phone still stuck inside his jacket pocket. Wilhelm's sweater from the night before was draped over the chair. Simon took it in his hand then sat down with his phone and Wilhelm's sweater on his lap.

He held the sweater and rubbed the soft material between his fingers, then brought it to his face and breathed in deeply with his eyes closed.

He felt like he had a knot in his throat suddenly as he thought about the position he was in and the choice he was facing. It felt like an impossible choice to make.

He imagined Wilhelm being taken out of school to keep them apart and he felt his eyes begin to water, but no tears fell.

He set the phone down next to him and covered his face in the sweater, inhaling deeply.


The residents at Hillerska made their way into the dining room gradually looking for seats with their friends. Wilhelm walked in alone and spotted Felice and Sara sitting together.

"Can I sit here?" He asked them.

Felice gave him an ironic smile, "Yes. I think you can."

"Didn't Simon come down with you?" Sara asked, concerned.

"Yeah, he just had to go back and get his phone."

"Oh, ok." Sara leaned in then. "What happened last night?"

Wilhelm as always was surprised at Sara's directness. He answered quietly. "Oh, um...Alex decided he was too nervous to do it. He was afraid what the Court might do to him." He gave Sara a sad smile.

"So...then what?" Sara asked.

Wilhelm gave her a half smile and shook his head then shrugged.

"Oh..." Sara looked down at the table, pensive and clearly disappointed that their plan hadn't gone off. She looked back up at Wilhelm suddenly. "If you guys need help, I'm in."

Wilhelm smiled at her. "Thanks." He knew he'd never ask Simon's sister to risk herself that way but he appreciated the sentiment.

A few minutes later August walked through the door of the large dining room. He caught sight of Sara right away and looked away making it even more conspicuous.

Wilhelm glanced at Sara and smirked when he saw she did actually seem to realise the effect that she had on August. She looked down and smiled to herself.

He began to wonder what was taking Simon so long since August had already made it from Forest Ridge. He sent a quick message asking if everything was ok.

Simon pulled the sweater away from his face and looked at the phone buzzing beside him. He picked it up and read the message from Wilhelm.

Wilhelm: Är du okej, Simon?

Simon: Yeah. Wille, Alex left the group. I'm the admin now...

Wilhelm: Ok...hold on. I'm on my way over.

Wilhelm didn't want to say more over text.

He stood up, pushed his chair out and looked around the table at the girls, then walked quickly out of the dining room without explaining.


Simon stood up and went to the bedroom door. Wilhelm was there in the doorframe smiling at Simon.

"Can I come in?" He joked nervously.

Simon smiled back and stood to one side to let him pass.

They both went to sit on the bed once Simon had closed the door again.

Wilhelm turned to Simon. "What are you thinking...?"

"I don't want to lose you. I think August is the backup, and he said they'd keep us apart but he also said I'd never be able to win a case against him."

Wilhelm furrowed his brow. "They can't keep us apart, Simon. I won't let them. And even if he isn't convicted, at least people will know, right? We have proof..."

Simon smiled sadly and nodded at Wilhelm. Wilhelm reached over and folded his arms around Simon.

Simon wished that it were true about Wilhelm not allowing the Court to keep them apart but he wasn't convinced. He buried his face in Wilhelm's neck as they sat there holding each other on the bed.

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