13. Bjärstad

421 21 19

Two hours later...

Wilhelm flipped his phone closed and dropped it on the bed as he jumped up, pulled his shoes on, threw his coat around him, then went back to take his phone before hurrying out the door.

As he rushed by the common room writing a quick message to Simon, he heard someone call out to him.


Confused and incredulous, he paused for a moment and looked up from his phone and through the doorway.

He immediately realised it was Vincent who'd called out to him.

"What is it, Vincent?" He asked, still puzzled and impatient as he was trying to write and leave as quickly as possible.

He glanced around at the other boys briefly, noticing August and Alexander there but on opposite sides of the room, then he fixed Vincent with his gaze again, waiting for him to get to the point of the interruption.

"Do you have permission to leave Forest Ridge in the middle of the night?"

Vincent gave him a smug grin and Wilhelm glared back.

He once again regretted his choice to push Vincent toward becoming the new prefect, but in normal circumstances Wilhelm would have at least been polite. However, he was worried about Simon and Simon always took precedence over everything else, especially Vincent and his fragile ego.

"Vincent, I don't have time for this shit." He said it exasperatedly, as if he were dismissing a naughty child and turned without another word, continuing quickly down the corridor then out the door without looking back.

Vincent heard several of the other boys stifle their laughter, never having heard Wilhelm speak that way to anyone, except August.

Henry had to practically run from the room as his face was turning red. He didn't want to breathe because he knew his breath would escape in a cackle if he did.

Vincent looked around at the others in the common room and frowned as he tried to hide his embarrassment at being put in his place by the Crown Prince.

"This is what I'm talking about! No one respects our traditions or our authority as third years anymore!"

Vincent said it in the direction of the other third years including August. None responded, but they exchanged bemused expressions then went back to their different activities.

August looked around nervously but tried to appear unbothered. He went back to his chess game with another third year boy, but his knuckles were white as he clenched his fists under the table.

He didn't know what it meant that Wilhem was rushing out of Forest Ridge in the middle of the night and he worried that something had gone very wrong with Simon and the police that would eventually be blamed on him.

Wilhelm continued down to the gatehouse to find Malin, careful not to trip or stumble as he practically ran down the hill in the dark. He knocked at the door and searched around him anxiously when it didn't open straight away.

Malin came to the door surprised to see a frantic Crown Prince at her doorstep.


"Hej, Malin, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course." She turned to grab her jacket from the coat hook and checked that the car keys were there in the pocket before turning back to accompany Wilhelm out. She closed the door and followed him down the gravel walkway to the parking.

They climbed into the car and quickly headed to Simon's house. Wilhelm still had received no response from him and didn't know where else to start.

They arrived faster than usual, Wilhelm stepped out of the car and hurried to the front door followed closely by Malin. Almost as soon as he knocked, Linda opened the door. She was taken aback to see him there with no warning.

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