55. Hillerska

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"Oh my God...Sara!" Felice turned back to look at Sara as she came in the room.  "Have you seen this?!"  Felice held up her phone from where she sat on the bed.

Sara looked down at her riding gear then back up at Felice, confused. "No? I was at the stables."

"Look!"  Felice insisted, still holding up the phone for Sara.

Sara was unnerved that the news had already made it back to Felice apparently. "What is it?" She sat down beside her on the bed.

Felice handed her phone to Sara.  Sara  read to herself.  There were tabloid headlines about Wilhelm everywhere:

Crown Prince rushed to hospital after collapsing: Palace awaits word on his condition.

Crown Prince in critical condition after medical emergency: Queen rushes to his side.

Crown Prince Wilhelm's mysterious illness: Will this be the end of the Royal line?

Royal Court in crisis

"Seriously?" Sara asked wide-eyed, wondering if August had actually done something to hurt Wilhelm. "This isn't true, is it?

"I have no idea, but Wille isn't answering." Felice replied.

"I'll try Simon again. They were...supposed to be going to the police station."

Felice looked at her, puzzled, and Sara swallowed, hesitating then continued.

"I...saw August...he said Simon and Wille were on their way to report him." She stopped and watched Felice's reaction.

Felice was completely taken aback.  She furrowed her brow and gave Sara a quizzical look.

Sara swallowed then continued. "I mean, they were already on their way to the police station...I didn't think..."

"But if August knows about it, that's dangerous..."  Felice's eyes were wide.

Sara shrugged her shoulders slowly.  "He seemed to sort of...accept it." She said, hopeful but still uncertain.

"August?" Felice looked doubtfully at Sara.  "Why were you talking to him at all?"  Sara could hear that she felt betrayed.

"I just saw him as I was heading down...he had blood on his face."  She hung her head slightly feeling guilty.

"Ok..." Felice watched her carefully.

"He said Wille pushed him into a mirror."

Felice's eyes got even wider.  "Oh-kay..."

"And they got away and went to the police. They should be there, but Simon didn't answer when I called him."

Felice was still skeptical and unclear of Sara's story but decided to leave it alone for the time being.  "We need to see if any of this is true."  She gestured to her phone still in Sara's hand.  "I'll call Wille, and you call Simon again?"

Sara nodded, handed Felice's phone back, and took out her own to call her brother.


Anette hurried to Forest Ridge.  Göran had sent her a message to say that it looked like there was a problem in Forest Ridge. 

She arrived to find the housemaster perplexed and standing in the doorway of Wilhelm's bedroom.

She peered inside and discovered that it was a disaster, and worryingly, that there was even a trail of blood on the floor. 

She told Göran to close Wilhelm's door then went and asked the first year boys who lived nearby what they had heard or seen. 

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