Chapter 65

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They drove through the narrow, winding, tree-lined roads that led away from Hillerska, then crossed over into the countryside in silence.  He watched the back of the driver's head for a moment.

Minou had hardly spoken to him except to say that they were making their way to the palace to confer with the Court's legal team.  Since then she'd been on her phone, messaging and making notes on the opposite side of the back seat without so much as looking at August. 

He turned to glance at her and hesitated then asked. "What would happen...if I...just...admitted it?"  

He barely managed to get it out then shrunk in the seat as he waited for her reply.

She looked up from her phone and slowly turned toward him, narrowing her eyes and trying to determine if he might be joking. 

"Why...would you do that?"  She asked him, confused but calm.

"Um..." August heart raced. "I soon as they start investigating..."

"Hmm?" She frowned at him.  

"There's so much evidence..." He scoffed nervously.

"Right...but they've already got a defense planned.  We're going to discuss it with them.  We'll need your stepfather to come as well."  She seemed convinced, or at least wanted to appear that way.

"Ok..." He hesitated then pulled out his phone, scrolled through his contacts slowly, and finally he sent a message.

Mamma, I need your help. Can you and Rickard come to the palace as soon as possible?

His mother still had no idea what was happening.  He could only assume she would be extremely ashamed to discover what her son had done.

He put his phone away and looked out the window biting his lower lip nervously, then he spoke again. "What if...there's more evidence they don't know about?" He said it so quietly that he thought maybe she hadn't heard him at first.

Minou had gone back to her phone but suddenly turned to look at him again. "Like what, August?"  He thought she seemed exasperated with him.

"Like...if someone saw me..."

"Take the video?" She narrowed her eyes at him again.

August shrugged and fidgeted in his seat. "Yeah..."

"Did they?" She stared at him, wide-eyed.  

"I-, I don't think so...but like, if someone had, what would happen?"

She gave a long sigh.  "Well...that would be a problem..." She lifted one eyebrow as she was coming to the end of her patience.  "Did someone see you or not, August?"

August clasped his hands together, wringing them. He felt his breathing become shallow and more rapid.  His heart raced.  He knew his resolve was weakening.  He inhaled deeply and hesitated, then finally shook his head and shrugged his shoulders. 

Minou glowered at him and pursed her lips while she wondered how she should deal with him.

She looked down at the phone she gripped in her hand then back up at August lowering her chin and looking up at him. 

"If we found out later that you knew something you didn't share with us, the Royal Court wouldn't protect you anymore, August.  So unless you want to go to prison, you need to cooperate...completely.  You understand?"  

August couldn't meet her eyes.  He sat silently and nodded as he looked down at the seat between them.


Young Royals Season 3 (Version 3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें