Chapter 106

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There was a chaotic energy around the entire grounds of Hillerska as they stepped out of the black sedan

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There was a chaotic energy around the entire grounds of Hillerska as they stepped out of the black sedan. The weather was warm, everyone was dressed in white summer clothes, and many were heading down to the lakeside to swim and play volleyball.

The third years in particular were running around going crazy and they headed upstairs whooping and shouting to lock themselves inside Vincent's room where they were having drinks before the party at the palace.

They weren't discreet but didn't especially care since they were nearly done with their academic career at Hillerska.

Simon and Wilhelm passed the common room and saw the other first and second years singing and celebrating, apparently all just as excited to get rid of the third years as Simon and Wilhelm were.

They greeted everyone with smiles and headed back to their room amid excited invitations to join in. They went to change and rest before joining the party. The sun was already going down.

They dressed in white button up shirts as they traditionally would for graduation, and they finished getting ready to head back out. The noise from the third years got louder.

Simon looked at his phone, suddenly in deep thought. "Ayub says he'll be here later. I should go see how Sara's doing though."

Wilhelm nodded at Simon and asked hopefully, "Ok, I'll see you down at the palace?"

Simon nodded distractedly and leaned down to kiss Wilhelm's forehead. "Yeah. I'll see you there." He headed out and up to the Manor House to find his sister.

Wilhelm heard the reactions as Simon made his way down the corridor, inviting him to celebrate with them again and him refusing politely.

Wilhelm stayed on the bed and looked around, realising he couldn't hide in his room. He should go see the others even if he didn't feel much like a party when Simon wasn't there.

He sighed and lifted his head looking at the ceiling and tried to swallow but had difficulty. He thought back to the morning they'd spent together...


Earlier that morning...

Wilhelm was woken by the sound of his phone chiming on the bedside table. When he opened his eyes he was disappointed to see his bedroom in the palace at first until he felt the warm hands cradling his stomach and the soft arm that stretched over his waist.

He smiled as he remembered Simon was sleeping behind him. Simon's arm was still wrapped around Wilhelm and he was cuddled up close. He cradled Simon's arm as he carefully reached out to take his phone and read the notification that had come through: Queen Announces Abdication: Is Crown Prince Wilhelm Ready to Become King?

His mother's statement had been released alongside some photos of the happy Royal Family celebrating Wilhelm's seventeenth birthday. But there were no pictures of he and Simon at all, although they'd been together for several hours before the guests and photographers left. They'd spent the rest of the evening together, Simon singing at the piano, Wilhelm joining in, both of them laughing at Wilhelm's lack of skill compared to Simon.

Young Royals Season 3 (Version 3)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt