Chapter 48

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Wilhelm held his breath and watched anxiously as August walked into the room and seemed to become distracted by the snow globe. Wilhelm found the behavior strange but he took the opportunity to inch closer to the bedroom door.

He moved slowly past the wardrobe and finally reached out for the door handle when suddenly Simon's phone buzzed in Wilhelm's coat pocket and August spun around, fixing him with an astonished glare. "What the fuck...?"


Simon looked back impatiently over his shoulder as Boris hurried along behind him. He felt desperate to get back to Wilhelm and leave.  

He'd just phoned using Boris' cell as they walked out the door but Wilhelm hadn't picked up.  He had a bad feeling.

"Go on ahead, Simon.  I'll meet you down there!" Boris called to him, hurrying as best he could toward the car park.

Simon nodded and rushed down, heading for Wilhelm's window.

The curtains were drawn but Simon could still see the glow of his lava lamp inside and the silhouette of Wilhelm from behind standing near the desk.

Simon tapped on the window to get his attention then whispered loudly. "Wille! C'mon!"

He turned around to look at Simon and when his face was illuminated by the lava lamp Simon immediately realised it was August's silhouette, not Wilhelm's that he'd seen there.

He glowered down at Simon through the window and Simon stepped back, startled. 

Suddenly Simon heard a scuffle inside and August spun around again lunging toward the sound. Simon took off running down the length of the building toward the door of Forest Ridge.


Boris started the engine and waited anxiously.  He looked up at the residence buildings, expecting to catch sight of the two boys quickly making their way down from Forest Ridge at any moment.  He began to feel unsettled that they were taking even the extra few moments. 

He left the keys in the ignition, stepped out of the car, placed his hand on the door to hold it open, then looked around to see if there was anyone nearby.  It was still a parents' weekend, and many of the students were gone so he wasn't very surprised that it was still deserted at 6:30 in the morning.  

He furrowed his brow and pulled out his phone to see how much time had passed.  Nearly four minutes since he'd separated paths with Simon.  He saw that Wilhelm hadn't phoned back after Simon tried to call him a moment earlier.  He quickly phoned the number again, not wanting to go looking for them in case they missed each other and wasted more time.


Simon ran the length of the corridor, surprised to see it empty because he thought Wilhelm should be running out to meet him just then.  His heart jumped as he realised that meant Wilhelm must still be stuck in the room with him.

He heard a bang and gasped, then ran even faster until he arrived in front of Room fifteen and began pounding on the door shouting "Wille!" repeatedly but getting no response.  


A moment earlier...

August ran up behind Wilhelm and slammed the door shut again, making a loud bang and pinning Wilhelm against the door at the same time. 

"What the fuck are you doing back here?!" August snarled at him in a low rasp, holding him there as Wilhelm turned to face him and struggled to push him off.  

Suddenly there was a banging on the door from the outside this time and Simon was there shouting Wilhelm's name.  August began to panic.

"Tell him you're fine!" He whispered angrily as he held Wilhelm there.

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