Chapter 80

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Minou sipped her coffee as she scrolled through the morning news at the dining table where she sat with Queen Kristina and Farima as they had breakfast.

Minou's eyes suddenly got wide and she hesitated a moment before turning to the Queen.

"Um...Your Majesty...Have you...seen this?" She asked quietly.

Kristina looked up from her coffee as Minou stood and carried her laptop to the head of the dining table to let her read the news article she'd just discovered.


Wilhelm was startled awake. He turned over to see his mother standing at the foot of his bed.

He looked at her, confused and bleary-eyed.

"What's going on?" He mumbled as he struggled to sit up, still half asleep.

"You need to get dressed." It was hard to tell if she was happy or not.

He rubbed his face with one hand then smoothed his hair back trying to pull himself together.

Then he suddenly felt a flutter of hope spread across and warm his chest as it occurred to him.

"Is there...a verdict?" He hesitated to ask.

He wondered if it was possible August's defense had actually failed.

She turned back to him and answered flatly. "Not yet."

He furrowed his brow. "So...what's going on?"

She looked down at him and paused for a moment then replied, "They've finished the inspection...You need to pack."

He watched her, wide-eyed as she turned and walked out of the room without further explanation and closed the door behind her.

He paused for a moment, glancing around and wondering at the sudden development. Then he pulled the covers aside and dropped his legs over the edge of the bed. He reached for his phone on the night stand and saw a message from Felice.

Felice: Oh my God! We're going back!

She'd attached a link.

New Headmaster to Take Over Administration of Exclusive Boarding School

The inspection of allegations of bullying and abuse of first-year students at Hillerskaskolan has officially concluded. There was determined to be evidence of negligence on the part of the staff and administration at the school. A change in school administration, a new, zero-tolerance anti-bullying policy, and a commitment to re-evaluate Hillerska's school traditions and structure were determined to be the best course of action to ensure the students' safety going forward.

Students of the boarding school, including Crown Prince Wilhelm, are expected to be welcomed back by the new headmaster very soon. The headmaster is also the former school psychologist at Hillerskaskolan. He was selected by an overwhelming majority in both the school board and board of parents.

A smile spread across Wilhelm's lips in spite of himself. He felt a rush of affection for Boris. In the end he had decided to do it: he'd taken over at Hillerska. Wilhelm was ecstatic.

He realised his mother must know he was responsible for what was happening, but he didn't care as long as he could go back.

He was relieved knowing that Boris would be there to protect him from the Royal Court and his mother for the next two years.

Wilhelm would be safe while he was at Hillerska...and then he'd be free.

He set his phone down and looked around the room, feeling satisfied that he wouldn't have to see it again for a while, and especially that he wouldn't have to be reminded of how empty it felt without Simon in it.

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