34. Blackmail

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"Hej, Linda! Sorry...I heard Simon wasn't...doing very well..." Wilhelm realised as he said it that be may have made a mistake by just showing up at Simon's house unannounced.

"Hej, Wille! Yeah, come in." Linda stood to one side and let him come through with Malin following behind him.

She stood off to one side as Wilhelm went in further and spoke to Linda.

"Yeah, he came home and hardly said a word to me, then he went to his room, and hasn't come out since."

Wilhelm could see that she was preoccupied and it made him nervous about what he'd find but he looked down the hallway and asked Linda.

"Can I?"

Linda nodded at Wilhelm eagerly and let him walk through to Simon's bedroom. Malin stood back clasping her hands in front of her and watched Wilhelm go down the hallway and turn the corner to Simon's room. She smiled at Linda as she waited.

Wilhelm knocked on the door and then spoke slightly louder than a whisper when he got no answer. "Simon! Simon! It's Wille! Can I come in?"

There was still no answer and Wilhelm hesitated, being torn between the desire to take care of Simon and the need to respect if he just wanted to be left alone.

He slowly pushed the door open and spoke as he passed through it. "Simon, sorry. Just tell me if you want to be alone, but I wanted to make sure you were ok."

There was still no reply and right away he saw the small figure lying on the bed with his back to Wilhelm.

"Simon?" He didn't say it loud enough to wake Simon and there was no movement from the bed.

Wilhelm moved forward then leaned over him and looked down to check if he was awake and ignoring him. He was fast asleep but fully dressed with his earbuds in. It made sense why he hadn't heard Linda or Wilhelm.

On one hand Wilhelm was relieved that Simon had just fallen asleep but on the other it was concerning that he hadn't even changed out of his clothes before climbing into bed.

Wilhelm sat down very carefully on the edge of the bed, making sure not to wake Simon. As he sat there, he glanced over at the dimly lit aquarium. Simon's fish were swimming around lazily. He smiled and was lost in the happy memory.

How he'd been invited into Simon's intimate space that first time. How he'd wrapped his arms around Simon's waist and kissed his neck from behind.

He scanned across the wall at Simon's music poster, reading the different phrases and stopped at the bottom "Keeps my heart beating". He smiled thinking about how Simon's music had been the first thing to reach Wilhelm because he'd sung from the heart. He sighed then looked back down at Simon sleeping peacefully.

Wilhelm didn't want to touch him and wake him if he was just exhausted, but then he justified it by deciding that Simon should eat something and then maybe his mother wouldn't be so worried.

Wilhelm slowly lay down behind Simon and draped his arm over his waist for a moment.

He kissed Simon's neck softly then breathed in the scent of his hair and warm skin. He felt Simon stir in front of him then inhale deeply and turn his head to look back at Wilhelm.

Wilhelm released him and sat up to make room for Simon.

"Hej...är du okej?"

Simon stretched for a moment and let his eyes adjust to the room, then to Wilhelm's face in front of him.

"Hej, Wille." He greeted his boyfriend but didn't smile.

Wilhelm hung his legs over the side of the bed. Simon lay there on the bed, looking up at the ceiling then at Wilhelm.

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