1. The Beginning

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Sara decided what she had to do as she sat on the bus headed back to Bjärstad.

She took her phone from her pocket and sent a message.

Sara: I'm sorry, Simon. I'm going to make everything right.

Then she dialed quickly and heard it ring. Suddenly there was a click and a male voice answered on the other end.

Sara: Hej, I'd like to report a crime...


He looked away from his mother again and out into the crowd. Wilhelm could see the shock on the faces around him. He saw all of the phones recording him in addition to the television cameras that Jan Olof had tried to stop.  He cast his eyes down to the podium feeling very anxious.

He had to stop focussing on individuals so that he could finish his speech as quickly as possible without getting distracted or losing his nerve, but he didn't know what else to say then.

"...thank you."

He stepped down to head back to his seat slowly and carefully. There were no applause, just whispers that got louder and camera shutters that were clicking faster.

Jan Olof came to meet Wilhelm and accompany him back to their seats on the platform but without giving him time to sit down again. The shock in the Queen's expression had transformed into a grim stare. Wilhelm thought she looked like she might be sick.

Jan Olof discreetly waved for Anette to head back to the podium and then he began speaking to the Royal Family in a hushed tone.

"We need to leave now, Crown Prince Wilhelm. You'll come with me. Your Majesty, you and the Duke should stay until the end and then make your way out. Don't make any statements to the press. Smile, thank everyone, and wave goodbye as quickly as possible once it's done."

Wilhelm's parents nodded at Jan Olof. The Queen tried to maintain a neutral expression, not making eye contact with Wilhelm, but the Duke looked confused and on the verge of panic as he glanced around at the crowd.

Jan Olof touched Wilhelm's forearm and indicated with the other hand where they should step down from the platform to make their way to the nearest exit. Wilhelm looked down at Jan Olof's hand on his arm and hesitated. He looked up and saw Malin making her way down to them from the steps where Simon stood with the choir.

Wilhelm glanced around at the crowd, suddenly caught Boris' gaze and saw that he was smiling proudly. Wilhelm couldn't help but smile back before scanning the crowd some more.

Wilhelm felt and saw that everyone was still watching him and the rest of Royal Family with fascination even as the headmistress stepped back up to the podium. He ignored their stares and finally glanced up at the choir again.

Wilhelm spotted Simon and thought he could see his eyes glistening. He worried that Simon was upset but then realised he was still smiling at Wilhelm. Felice stood next to Simon, and touched his arm sweetly to encourage him as she smiled out at Wilhelm too.

Wilhelm lifted his chin in acknowledgement of them both and smiled back brightly. Then he turned to face Jan Olof and thought that he should probably just go along with him for the moment and see what the Court had to say about his confession before making any decisions.

He went ahead of Jan Olof but still glanced up at the choir from time to time as they moved across the courtyard. The camera flashes became more intense as they made their way out.

Anette was nervous and clearly unprepared to speak. She turned back to the choir director and apparently asked her to have the choir sing again to buy some time. The choir director hesitated, then not having any better ideas, cued the choir into a song they knew well.

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