The chance and the habit

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Now that they were finally calm, both sat on the bed facing each other.

Arnav held her palms in his.

I didn't know that we signed that contract...

Khushi nodded in acknowledgment.

I didn't do it out of guilt.

Khushi was surprised over his statement and looked at his eyes only to find sincerity.

Just because situation demanded the marriage... Doesn't mean the things we have is out of my guilt...

Okay... But would it have been me if di had not rejected the deal...?

Arnav was silent... He was there at the court all ready to sign the marriage papers with unknown woman.

Would it have been me if that video didn't surface the internet that day..?

Again Arnav was speechless... Her questions were making him speechless.
He had no answers for her questions.

His silence did hurt Khushi but she was ready to have it as her answer.

That's what I was pointing to Mr. Raizada... All these things we had was because such situations were imposed on us.... This marriage was the only thing that bound you to be like this otherwise you clearly didn't believe in marriage, did you? These all things you felt was actually your guilt... Take your time Mr. Raizada... And you will know it by yourself..

Is it that easy for you to talk about this?? Okay... I will take my time but again let me ask my part...  the things you did with me in these five months were it out of the acceptance that you had no other choice and you were bound to me lifelong..? Take your time Khushi... And you will know it by yourself.

Both were in tears none of them wanted these theories to be true... But both didn't want it to accept on each other's face.

Khushi took deep breathe.

O-okay then... We will take our 1 month to think about each other's question and at the end of the month we must be ready with honest answers...



Both shook their hands while their souls cried at the situation.

Soon they called it a night.... But the disappeared pillow wall seemingly emerged again... And both unwillingly agreed to it.

Khushi surprisingly didn't find sleep in her own room... Nothing changes yet something was missing... Her sleep didn't seem to enter even after trying many comfort positions..

On the other side of the wall, the same story occured... He first declined it thinking the reason to be the new place .

Khushi was still struggling for the comfort position her sleep was demanding and somewhere she knew the only comfort was in his arms.

But she declined the thought thinking it would make him uncomfortable , now that they were bound with deal... He no longer had to fulfill those things.. He was no longer bound to be treating her like past five months..

Her tears brimmed at the stupid habit she developed of cuddling him to sleep.

She wanted to break the wall and run into his arms to seek her sleep but she controlled herself and let the hope of having the sleep fly away.

Arnav already had a tiring day and his body needed the relaxation. But his mind and heart seemed to be restless... He tried all the known methods to invite the precious sleep but in vain.

ASR mind didn't take long time to realise the actual solution but again not willing to make her uncomfortable he controlled himself.

But again... Arnav wasn't a person to have patience.... Khushi had an upper hand in this matter... A special thanks to her profession.

Arnav groaned after losing the grain sized patience he was left with at the end of the day and removed the pillow that was blocking him from her.

Khushi turned back to see the wall destroyed by the opponent... Her eyes held surprise at his actions which he misread as shock.

I'm... I'm sorry... I just... *sigh.... Got the bad habit of cuddling I guess.

Khushi's heart had a mellow dance unknown to her. He unwillingly put the pillow back to the boundary but this time Khushi threw it away and shoved herself into his arms taking him to surprise. She used his shoulder as pillow while facing his chest part...

I'm... I'm sorry... It's habit I guess.

Arnav urgently hugged her giving a squeeze to her shoulders and finally sleep graced them...

But still the souls knew the threat one month had on their relationship.

Please make sure to like the story if you appreciate the plots.. It seriously means a lot to a writer. Thank you🤗

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