The contract.

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Arnav and Khushi reached his room... Well their room.

Khushi... The very next room is of Di's.... She has her clothes .. You can have it for tonight I guess..

Khushi just nodded and made her way to the next room.

Arnav sighed and made his way to the wardrobe.

Khushi found few clothes and decided to freshen up in her bhabhi's room itself as she was not comfortable in using Arnav's bathroom.

Arnav was waiting for her near the poolside which was attached to his room.

Khushi joined him after entering his room.

What are you thinking Mr. Raizada?

Arnav sighed hearing her. She had always been able to gather her calm no matter what situations she faced. He noticed it and appreciated her in his mind.

Khushi I'm sorry...

I already told you... It's not your fault... In fact we should be bothered about the hidden camera...

I'm.... I'm.. Talking about today's ki.... Kiss..

Now that he had faced her he could see her eyes going from calmness to anger... Well he didn't know that it was fake anger.

Well you should be.... How could you steal my first kiss-

That was your first kiss!!

The surprise his face held confused her for a while....

Uhmm.. Yeah..?

No I mean... Didn't you have any teenager kiss things like that..??

Well I was busy with things...

Like academics??

He almost held his smile... Khushi took it as disrespect..

So what?? Can't a person have her first kiss after her mid twenties...
She wined...

No no... It's completely upto the person to decide...

Yup that's what I'm saying..

She finally had relief after explaining her point.

But I chose to steal that right of yours to decide... I'm sorry.

This time Arnav did sound serious... She just looked everywhere else not being  able to hold his gaze...

Uhm.. Shall we look around the house... It seems interesting..

Arnav smiled at her attempt to ease the environment thus  nodded in agreement.

After they came out of his room, his hand involuntarily held her hand in secure way... Khushi was confused about his actions but then let it slide away.

He showed her the first floor and then the ground floor.... Khushi had the happiest smile when she saw his home garden on the other side of the pool..

It felt peaceful there.

Arnav saw her reaction and felt proud for maintaining the garden.

Soon his phone rang and Mr. Roy was asked to wait in the living room.

Arnav and Khushi made there way to living room and it seemed like Roy and mami were having verbal argument and Roy being the lawyer seemed to have the winning smirk.

Let's go.

Khushi didn't know that the meeting would be held outside the house and she stood in confusion... Seeing no moment from side he held her hand and made their way towards the main door.

MY Replaced Bride  - Temporarily On HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now