The dent-2

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Arnav now made his way to the car while cursing himself for being reckless towards the stranger and also for the applying the childhood principles over the unknown situation and concluding it on his own.
Well that was rare situation where Arnav himself chose to accept his mistakes because committing a mistake was itself a rare phenomena in his life.

As soon as he started the ride... The car came to abrupt stop as the chosen stranger decided to cross his path again for the second time on the same day.
This time he was sure it was purposeful one.
He came out and reached her within two long strides and held her tightly by her shoulders and pulled her close

Arnav:what the-?
Lady:before your pathetic self take the charge and accuse me about purposefully plotting an accident and thus loot your precious money lemme clear myself.. I'm here for the prescription you chose to loose while flying in your ego.

Arnav was bewildered by her talks and was more surprised about her prediction about the accusation as he was about to do the same in the fit of rage.

While he was in his own trance the lady looked at the hand holding her was bleeding probably due to that knife stunt he pulled.

Lady:*clears throat

Arnav then freed her from the closeness and turned towards the car but came to halt as she chose to hols his hand again for the second time... The weakness he was feeling made the ASR mind burn in rage.

Lady: calm down Mr. Pathetic saviour... Your hand is bleeding and it's not good especially for a diabetic.
Arnav raised his eyebrow in attempt of asking her about her knowing his conditions.
She chose to answer his unasked question by directing towards the prescription.

Arnav sighed and took away his hand
Arnav:you don't have to worry about that.

Lady:well I clearly see the reason to worry about this in the view of being a doctor myself so I hope you won't waste your time in worry about changing my priorities cause in the same time we can surely get your wounds dressed.

Arnav at this point knew that the calm tone still held the sarcasm... But again the words like worry and priority did things in his heart he never knew that existed.

While he was in his own trance Lady already brought the first aid kit from her car and had started to apply the antiseptic.
The pain made him to come back but again got lost in her features.
The time seemed to slow down while he took in her appearance... The messy bun did no help either. The way her eyes twitched while concentrating on the wounds... The way she carefully held his hand. Everything seemed to be strange to his mind yet familiar to his heart.
His heart.. Ooh he felt it after so many years.. His eyes softened at her irritability towards her strand of hair which chose to disturb her.
He was about to slide it aside when a honk over other side of the parking lot brought the ASR back in action... But by the time her work was over.
She sighed and started to organise the kit back and took her leave without looking back.

This action of her ignorance triggered his egoistic self thus took a long strides towards her car.

While she was busy keeping the kit back to it's place.. He knocked on the window to gain her attention.
Lady was surprised for a while and came out of the her.
Lady:it's okay no need to thank me.. I would have done that to anyon-
Arnav- but I'm not used to take help from anyone so here is the salary for your service.
He then took few notes didn't bother to count and placed it on her car.

This action of his angered the calm Lady and by the time a beggar enterd the lot probably searching for food.

While Arnav was about to turn she again stopped him.
Lady: wait Mister.
Arnav: *turned around oh ain't sufficient is it? I though-
Lady took the notes and swirled it around his head.

Lady:kaki... Haan aap idhar aayenge please..
And placed the notes in the old lady's hand.
Old lady:May God bless you bitiya.
Lady : Arre no no kaki... Pray to devi mayya to bless this man with long life cause seeing the weight of his ego he's already into the half depth of the earth.

Old lady started to laugh and blessed him and went away.
Arnav then grabbed his stranger's shoulder again but this time was offered with a kick on his feet.
Arnav:*hissing what the-
Lady:you better start behaving Mr. What the cause seeing your behavior since last half an hour I'm surprised of your survival on this earth.. And dare you to touch me again and you will be seeing the stars even in the braod day light

She then did an iconic hair flip gracing his face with her hair for seconds and went to the car and puff she was out of the parking lot and also from the storm which was happening in some mortal body due to her actions.

Arnav was now back to his room.... But still thinking about the day... The deal no longer bothered him ... But a hazel pair did bother him to sleep

Please make sure to like the story if you appreciate the plots.. It seriously means a lot to a writer. Thank you🤗

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