The Regret

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Sunshine hit his face disturbing the early morning slumber, while he tried to shift to other side he could finally register the weight on his body.

When opened eyes with confusion, was welcomed with his stranger lying on him and seemingly having peaceful sleep.

It took him a while to register that it was backseat of his car. Few flashbacks of night appeared and slowly he regained all the stunts he performed in hallucinations.

*babaji apki prasad mein bhaang toh nahi tha na??

*hey devi mayya...

*You are not any Aquaintance

*please rest for now

*No I won't let you go again


He closed his eyes due to headache and guilt arising in him for his actions.

Her teary eyes flashed in front of him and the lone thought that she might have been regretting those moments constricted his heart in wrong way.

He slowly patted her cheek in an attempt to wake her up.. In which he succeeded

Khushi opened her eyes and suddenly the situation dawned upon her.. She tried to get up and Arnav groaned in the process..

Khu-... Khushi wait

Her actions stilled while he slowly encircled his arm around while the other supported him to get up along with her...
Now that her face was close to him he could see the tear marks on her face.

Khushi was first to come back from trance and hurriedly got off from his lap..

She was feeling as if she couldn't breathe anymore thus opened the door and got out from the car.

While she was taking deep breathes to compensate the deficiency of air she was having now, Arnav got out of the car and took strides towards her...

He too wasn't in his right mind for now, he needed answer for his question, he never knew that her feeling could bother him to this extent.

Khushi did you regret it??
He asked in urgency while trying to hold her hands.

No nothing more than kisses happened but again the mere thought that she regretted having their moments didn't settle well with him.

His question sounded so wrong to her.... To him she was just his stranger... But for her he was soon to be husband of her sister.

She turned her face to him while angry tears threatened to escape the bound.

Yes I do

I-.. I regret it... But again it wasn't your fault.... I made you eat that prasad... It was all my fault...

But I didn't want to use you in your hallucinated state I swe-

Arnav hurriedly held her close while placing finger on her lips...

Shh.... No I would never think about you like that.... Khushi I-

Khushi freed herself and wiped away the tears while calming herself down.

Forget that it ever happened...

She didn't wait for his answer as she knew she would break down any time soon and hurriedly went out of the parking lot... And slowly away from him.

Arnav was still stuck in her words

*forget it ever happened

I don't regret it Khushi.... Those are the best moments of my life... Why are you regretting about it...
He Wisphered under his breathe....

His mind screamed the possibility of her having someone as her special one as reason for her regret to which vigorously shook his head disagreeing with his inner voice.

He then calmed himself and went to his car. He took deep breathe after seating on driver seat and made his way to Raizada house.

House. He scoffed at the thought. It was never home..
And now that he felt home.... She regretted being with him.. His home regretted him.

Arnav entered his room and went to bathroom... He let the shower relax his body while his mind was still recalling her words...

You don't mean it I know... I know YOU DON'T MEAN IT.

He shouted on the wall...
Soon he got to his office and by the look of his eye everyone knew that beast was back... Aman sighed realising that ASR was at peak of Angriness and he chose to be careful throughout the day and instructed the same to the employees.

Arnav's cabin:

Though he had file to study his all concentration was on his hazel...

He fisted his palm to calm the rage he was feeling by her words..

*knock knock


Mr. Roy:well there there Mr. To be groom calm down... You don't want wrinkles on your forehead during the auspicious day.

Well again Mr. Roy was never good at knowing the situation when it came to ASR's mood..

Ar:to the point Roy.

Now the seriousness in his voice seemed to work on Mr. Roy.

Mr. Roy:well.. *clears throat.... Tomorrow is your registration marriage.... It's already been 1 month and you might know that if you don't fulfill the condition within the next week the deal will invalid.

Now Arnav seemed to remember the unsaid rule they had to follow in their business deals... But he wasn't ready for this mess yet... Though he couldn't reason what's holding him back but his hazel had certainly been one of the reason for sure...

Ar:I -.. We still have 1week Roy...
Mr. Roy:well practically we only have one day as lawyers are going on strike for the next five days of week.


Sashi entered the cabin.

S:Payal will be arriving tonight...

Arnav felt as if he lost his voice somewhere.... He suddenly felt that all was going to create mess which he won't be able to handle.

Mr. Roy: Well that's great... The court date for marriage is tomorrow. Okay then I will message the timings and you all can come with couple and Witnesses.

Both took there leave while Arnav seed to be lost...
He began to tap his legs in anxiety and palmed his face to calm himself down....

He had this gut feeling that worse was waiting for him....
He suddenly had this urge to undo everything related to the stupid deal.
But again the damage was already done.... Maliks already gave him half of the rights last week and now there was no going back...

Why am I being tensed.... It's just a contract...

*no situation can make a person so weak to use marriage as Contract Mr. Raizada...

Her words rang in his ears.

Shut up Khushi... He Wisphered under his breathe...

Please make sure to like the story if you appreciate the plots.. It seriously means a lot to a writer. Thank you🤗

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