The Revenge

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At airport

Payal already reached to delhi via flight. Though the contract was scheduled one week from today she chose to arrive early.
Not because she was excited.... She wasn't.. She never was.

No one knew about her arrival... Not even Sashi.
She didn't inform for a purpose.
1) She wanted to surprise her family.. Specially her chutki whom she was meeting after a long time.
Last but not the least purpose was to make sure to update him about her life's major development.

She chose to complete the to do list from backwards.

Phone rings
P:hello did you do the need for me?
PI:yes mam he is now in restaurant with a Lady... I will keep an eye on him untill you arrive mam.
P:Okay send me the address.

Payal had a winning smirk on her face and made her way to the taxi.

At restaurant

Payal by then thanked PI and made sure about his payment and asked him to leave.

She then took the table beside her target and placed the order. She knew her action and also got the desired reaction from the table beside hers.

The man nearly choked on the water he was having .
The Lady did the formality of asking if he was okay and every one there would have seen the carelessness dripping in her voice.
He asked her to leave saying he had an important meeting. Lady stood up angrily but bend to steal a kiss which he clearly dodged away making her take angry strides away from the restaurant... And probably forever from his life.. Which was he had been wishing as for now.

He then took the seat of the next table.
A: How are you?
P:I'm completely fine Mr. Raizada infact more than just fine since I was able to dodge a bullet in may earlier years of college.
A:Payal you never let me clear things

By his voice it was clear that hurt was it's only content. But this time Payal wasn't going to give right of decisions to her stupid heart.. Again.

P: well I don't see anything to be cleared Mr. Raizada . The weather is so nice today... But too nice to dig the past... And not when my future is brighter than anything... You wanna know the reason Mr. Raizada?

A:payal please stop addressing me formally please it's hurting here *pointing towards his heart... Please let's talk it out I'm sure we can-

P:oh seems like you aren't interested in my future then we should just take the leave now.

A:NO WAIT!! Ok tell me what's waiting for you in the future... The chapter of your life where you no longer need me... Tell me I wanna know.

He was clearly hurt would be understatement... His heart was no longer having the strength to let her go so he chose to listen to her... Atleast he can feel her presence no matter what was holding in her future.

P:you remember Mr. Raizada while you were warming your bed with one of your favorite side chicks in your PG room-

A:it's not what it seemed to be Payal please let me expl-

P:I'm not yet done Mr. Raizada... At that time you mentioned how you were using me and clearly knew what future I would be in if I warm other rich brats like you?? Guess what Mr. Raizada you were righ-

By the time is she was about to complete her sentence Akash had heard enough and dragged her out of the restaurant and were now in the alley turning deaf to her struggles to get out of his clutches.

He then pushed her to the wall and held her face close to his.
A:dare you.. DARE YOU speak something which will lead us to do things you definitely don't want now before a proper marriage DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND?

Payal never knew that his proximity still had the same intense effects as before. But she again regained and composed herself and looked in his eyes but now ger calm tone made him shudder.

P:obviously what made you think that I would warm the Rich one without marriage... I will marry him and also be the best one he ever had-

Akash now had enough and placed his lips on hers forcefully... The kiss was poured with all the rage he was having now due to her words but also the feelings he stored for her after all these years of separation.
Payal felt her knees weaken and tried to push him away... But he wasn't going to be easily letting her go this time not after knowing that he won't survive the second heart break from the same person.

Though Payal was about to give in but then again remembered the insults he threw on her in front his chick . She pushed him forcefully and was about to slap him but he held her hand and pushed it above her head and brought his face closer to her ear

A:not this time Payal. You will listen to me and I will listen to you but no one is going away without clearing this mess THAT'S IT.

Please make sure to like the story if you appreciate the plots.. It seriously means a lot to a writer. Thank you🤗

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