Jealousy Jealousy

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Throughout the ride Khushi was talking to Jha couple and ignoring the person seated beside her... Though Arnav was trying to get involved in the conversation Khushi wasn't having it.

K:haan bhaiya.... Hot chocolate was more than just good when compared to your expresso.

Ar: well you should try black te-

K:you know bhabhi.. You seemingly accepted your sautan that easily.

Ar:I stand with jij-

K:come one bhabhi you should be tougher than that...

Arnav had enough of her ignorance... Seeing that jhas were already in their argument he slightly pulled Khushi making their shoulders come in contact...

What's wrong??..  He whisphered in her ears....

But before she could respond his di seemed to already know the thoughts of Khushi and wanted to tease Arnav using that.

An:you are also no less chutki... You too had a good talk with your sautan... I mean Sheetal...

Arnav panicked while Khushi flared in Angriness towards Arnav.

Before he could find words they already reached the Mansion and Khushi hurriedly went inside the mansion...

What the-.. Di why did you bring that Sheetal again??

At this point he was practically whining... Anjali had a bout of laughter while shrugging her shoulders.

Arnav hurriedly entered the mansion and Jha stood outside looking at each other...

S:you saw it???
An:yup suddenly Chutki is jealous I see...

S: well that's interesting...

An:quite interesting...

Both laughed and made their way to the entrance.

Arnav saw  Khushi going to the guest room with her bag and he took quick steps towards her.

Khushi listen-..

Khushi hurriedly went inside the room and was about to close the door when he successfully squeezed in..

What the-... Khushi listen naa...

Khushi kept her bag on the bed and sat at the edge of the bed huffing in anger.

Arnav sat beside her.

Khushi look at me..

Khushi just faced to the floor..

He sighed and knelt down before her and made her look at him..

Khushi... You wanna ask something?

Who's that woman?

Which woman??? I don't know any other women!!

Khushi was about to retaliate thinking he was joking but the sincerity his eyes held stopped her...

That shheeetal.... Your mami's bahteeji..

Well you yourself have the answer... She is just Mami's bhateeji....

Her talks didn't sound like that...

Well she... Kinda like me... But I never looked at her like that I swear..

He hurriedly completed his sentence..
Khushi's  eyes went from anger to shock then to surprise at his sentence...

Arnav now got a chance to tease and he obviously won't miss that precious chance.

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