The ignorance

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Arnav was pacing around his cabin... He was feeling weird as if some Mishap had occured.. The stranger thing was he was actually bothered about the gut feeling he had.

When Aman entered the cabin and saw him restless he suggested to call Dr. Sharma.

Ar:NAHI... I meant... Now need to call him... I'll visit hospital myself.

Aman was showered with surprises today. Knowing that his boss usually worked more than working hours during starting days of the working week.. He mentally prepared himself for a long day but again here he was packing up his things and calling it a day off for himself.
Though he did show the courtesy of accompanying him to the hospital Arnav clearly declined saying that he would manage himself and he himself asked him to leave saying it was already past working hours... Well that was actually cherry on the top of the cake.

Arnav was now on his way to eagerly meet particular doctor... But then he realised that she was on morning duty and it was almost evening now so having any chance of encounter with her were tending towards nil.

When he reached the reception she did a brain work and guided him to Sharma's chamber thinking it was another monthly check up.

He too had no choice as shouting at hospital staff was one of the last thing an educated person would do.

While he took the seat, he suddenly felt those tinglings again and his heart blossomed with a hope to find those hazels again.

Even before there was a knock on the door he had already turned his head toward the entry.

And boom there she was... She stood still for awhile registering his presence then took strides towards the other doctor.

Sharma:ooh sorry doctor, I have to attend this case.. I hope you won't-

K:no sir it's completely fine I'll wait outside

Nurse:Dr.sharma it's an emergency...

Dr. Sharma hurried to the exit while giving her the task to explain about the already written prescription to his patient.

Arnav literally thanked his stars. But again he could see her avoiding any possible eye contact.

She took the near chair as she never wanted to disrespect the old doctor by taking his chair.

So now here she was facing the person who messed her mind for the whole day.
But again she knew the professional necessity to clearly explain the prescription to patients to avoid any possible Adverse Drug effects.

She was still reading the prescription while he was dying to gain her attention.

It had been more than 5 minutes they both were under the same roof yet he wasn't graced with hazels he was willing to have.

(Bold is of arnav and italics of khushi)

Khushi I-

Here is the prescription written in detail to avoid any possible confusion Mr. Raizada... Have a look.

She took out the paper she was scribbling on and placed it on the table. But seeing no moments from the opposite side she for the first time looked up.

And he could easily say that she cried minutes ago.
He panicked and held her hand

Khushi what happened... Your eyes are red and-

She took away her hand as if his touch burned her. She again held the paper to his face.

Here's the paper Sir.


Please have a look and ask for any queries if any after reading it.

Khushi.. What happened suddenly..

Sir I'm already done with my shift. Please let's get this prescription cleared as soon as possible.

He could say that her voice was breaking.. He decided to not to bother her further.

So he took and read the prescription.
It was as if she was talking to him. Her handwriting surprisingly were easy to read and the choice of words would have helped even an illiterate.

Thank you... It's easier this way.

She just nodded without giving a look and stood up.

He held her hand while standing.

Khushi wait.... What's bothering you?? I know something is definitely bothering you. You can tell me

I see no place to talk my personal things to a stranger Sir.. But thank you for the Generosity Sir.

She again freed her hand and left the cabin in hurry, while he still rooted , thinking about her words.

He didn't take well about the 'stranger' word she mentioned.

He somewhere knew she didn't mean it but again rage took the control over the calmness he had all over the day.

Parking lot:

Khushi cursed over the punctured tire of her car, and after Arnav reached there he too saw the hurdle present.

Khushi I'll drop you... It's already late.

I will book the cab Sir.

You should avoid any stranger when you can have other safer ways.

That's what I'm doing Sir.

He had enough.
He himself didn't know that her ignorance could trigger him to this extent.

He turned her to face him and pulled her by her shoulders towards him.

Stop messing with me Khushi... It's already late. I won't allow you to have the cab.. You are coming with me.

Who the hell do you think to allow me to do anything Mr. Raizada... How many times I have to remind you to stay in your limits. LEAVE ME NOW.

Though her tone was low... But was also dangerously calm... Her tears were already threatening to fall but the some brown pair wasn't yet done with scanning her eyes.

She suddenly felt the urge to drown in his eyes.. And before she could give in the voice in her mind repeated the words.


*that's your sister's groom

*have some ethics Khushi

*You are disappointing me Khushi.

Her inner voice was stronger than her stupid urge.
She started to wiggle to free herself but the hold just got tightened with each wiggle.
She just closed her eyes to avoid the break down

Look here Khushi

Please make sure to like the story if you appreciate the plots.. It seriously means a lot to a writer. Thank you🤗

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