Stuck in the car

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While on his way back home Arnav realised that he still had her bracelet with him.... He stopped the car to the roadside and called her without second thought...

Khushi already entered her room and was now tired enough to even have the dinner which her buaji kept on her study table.

Khushi just layed on the bed while she almost dived into the dreamland when phone rings Pierced her ear drums..

She recieved the call in the slumber.

Hello.... Dr. Gupta speaking....

Arnav smiled hearing her sleepy voice for the first time.

Hello Dr. Gupta.... Mr. Raizada here...

The name itself made her eyes jolt open  and she sat straight on her bed.

What the- ... Yes Mr. Riazada...

Khushi... I... I still have your bracelet..

Oh... Make sure you give it to bhabhi I'll collect it from her *yawning.

*ended the call.

He sighed and called her again.

What is it Mr. Raizada??

Well your solution had a major slit... What will I answer if she ask me about how it ended up with me??

Tell her that you found it on the cafe's couch.... Simple.

Oh... Right... I meant No... NO...


I never lied to my di.... And now also I won't lie to her...

Well that itself was another lie... He did tell his di some harmless lies but again he was surprised for the way Khushi's mind worked easily coming up with solutions to avoid another encounter.

So what do you think??? You have any better solution other than lying to bhabhi..?

Her voice cleared that it was a wishper-yelling showered to him.

Well yup... Come back to that road where we met... Wait No... Just tell me the end road of your house.. I'll reach there and call you and then you can collect it... Will call you soon.

What the - you can return it tomo-

Well the call already ended leaving no room for her solutions.

Arnav now eagerly reached the road and then with the help of Khushi's guidance he further reached the end road near her house.

He now came out of his car and he could feel the excitement to see the particular doctor.
Well He seemed to have stopped at right point as Khushi emerged out from the nearest house...

While she was carefully trying to sneak out of the gate he was busy taking her appearance...
She still didn't change into casual wears but again her always properly combed hair were now left to fall free over her shoulders....
He was still appreciating her hair when she moved her palm back and forth to bring him back to the reality.

My bracelet?

Uhm yes.... Here.

He took out the bracelet and placed it over her opened palm. She turned back while wearing the bracelet...

Uhm bye Khushi..

Bye Arnavj-... Bye Mr. Raizada...

MY Replaced Bride  - Temporarily On HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now