Chapter 75

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As Insey, Bryce, Daniel, Alice, Drandon, Lucine, Serena, and I gather at the school's entrance, a man catches our attention. Alice gasps, "It's Director Cyrano!"

"Wait, Director Cyrano?" Insey gasps, leaving us a bit bewildered. The director remarks, "Hmmm? Who do we have here...? If it isn't my four exchange students?"

I inquire, "So this is the director of Blueberry Academy you guys were headed to?"

"Yeah, I believe today's the day we return there," Alice sighs.

The director notices our puzzled expressions and adds, "I KNOW I've seen your faces somewhere before! ...Who were you again?"

After introducing ourselves, the director chuckles, "Oh, right, you're Ash, Serena, Drandon, and Lucine! Yes, yes, I remember you! Well then, now that you're here, let's get going!"

"Wait! Just a moment, Director Cyrano!" To our surprise, Director Clavell rushes over to us.

"Oh, hello there, Velly! You're as lively as always. Didn't realize you were here!" Cyrano greets.

"Of course, I'm here! As the director of this academy, where else would I be? And please address me more formally while students are present," Director Clavell sighs, "More importantly, what are you doing out here? I thought we had agreed to meet in my office!"

"Did we? Must've slipped my mind! Anyway, what does it matter? These are the students, right?" Cyrano asks.

"Well, yes... they are, but..." Director Clavell notices our confused faces and explains, "Ah, I do apologize. You must be terribly confused. This is Director Cyrano of Blueberry Academy. As I mentioned before, he's interested in accepting you four as exchange students."

"Oh right, you did mention that Drandon, Lucine, Serena, and I are chosen to be exchange students in Blueberry Academy in Unova," I remember.

"Yep! That's me—Director Cyrano. Er...did I not mention that?" Director Cyrano asks.

"One look at our young friends here makes me suspect you indeed failed to clarify that point. Speaking of which... Why did you request Master Ash, Master Serena, Master Drandon, and Master Lucine, specifically, to take part in your exchange program?" Director Clavell questions.

"Excellent question, Velly! It's very simple. You see, the reason is... ...Uh, hm. Why DID I put in that request?" Cyrano seems a bit forgetful, then gasps, "Oh, that's right! The school trip to Kitakami! Ash and Serena met some of my students there, didn't they? Yes, yes, one of them was named Carmine, I believe! She's the one who recommended you two!"

"Carmine? For real?" Serena gasps.

"As for Drandon and Lucine here... it is the decision of the League Club President, I think he personally knows you two," Cyrano adds.

"The president? Since Alice is now here, I guess they changed the president..." Insey says.

"Wait, Alice was the president?" I ask, and Alice responds, "Well, the former president. I mean, because everyone wanted to see me battle, so I just battled, and then somehow became the president. But now that I'm here, I guess they replaced me, which is a good thing. The president's role is actually tiring."

"So the new president after Alice personally knows me and Lucine," Drandon remarks.

Director Cyrano smiles warmly at us. "Now that I've gotten to meet you for myself...yeah, I've got a good feeling about you."

"Oho! I'm glad to hear that, Director Cyrano," Director Clavell responds, a twinkle in his eye.

"I'd just love for you to visit my school! You would be a breath of fresh air, so to speak!" Cyrano says to us, his enthusiasm evident.

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