Chapter 56

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As we approach the base, we read the description from Cassiopeia about Ortega:

"Said to be the second strongest of the Team Star bosses. His family owns an apparel brand famed even in Paldea. He constantly looks down on others, perhaps due to his cushy upbringing."

"Yep, the same Ortega we know..." Golly frowns as we continue moving forward, recognizing the description as fitting the Ortega we know. We proceed cautiously, taking note of the blooming flowers along the path.

Suddenly, we come across Clive standing amidst the vibrant blossoms. "Ash and Serena... I see that even new people are here. Operation Starfall is going well, wouldn't you say? Only two bosses left now. This whole experience has been eye-opening, to say the least. I'm glad I could take part."

"Yeah...Clive," I reluctantly say his name, remembering the director's insistence on keeping it a secret.

"Clive?" Alice asks, curious.

"That's his name, for now," Serena replies cryptically. "Don't ask."

Clive then turns the conversation in another direction. "But I'm curious, Ash and Serena... What do you think of Cassiopeia?"

"That's a good question," I begin. "She is mysterious, but she doesn't seem to be malicious in any way."

"Is that so... Personally, I don't think Cassiopeia feels any hate or resentment toward Team Star. No, there must be some other reason behind Operation Starfall... But what could it be?" Clive ponders aloud.

"I don't know," Serena responds.

"Well, I'd best get back to keeping watch. Call for me if you decide to take on the base, OK?" Clive asks, preparing to leave.

"Sure," I say, acknowledging his offer as he departs. Bryce asks, "Was that the director of the Narauva Academy? What's with the hairstyle, and why is he wearing the school uniform?"

"He's here to assist us with the raid on the bases. As the director, he wants to understand what's happening with Team Star as well," Golly explains with a frown.

"Weird... but okay," Insey remarks as we press on, determined to reach the Team Star base and uncover the truth behind their actions.

As we step forward, we spot a man engaged in conversation with a Team Star Grunt. He says, "I will return later when it is time for the young master's piano lesson. Until then, please give him my regards."

"Y-yes, Mr. Harrington!" the grunt responds nervously.

This man named Harrington notices our presence and asks, "Hm? And who might you six be? Friends of the young master, perhaps?"

"Young Master?" I inquire. "Do you mean the boss of this place?"

"Ah. I see... Since you seem unaware, I must inform you that this is the base of Team Star's Fairy crew - the Ruchbah Squad led by young Master Ortega."

"Um, Mr. Harrington? I don't think we're supposed to be giving out that information..." the Team Star Grunt interjects with a sweat drop.

"No? Then please accept my apologies," Harrington says, realizing his mistake. He turns his attention back to us. "Do you have any idea as to who these people might be?"

"They're no friend of ours. Y'know, I think they might be here to take us on!" the Team Star grunt declares.

"Understood. In that case... I take it you're adversaries of the young master?" Harrington inquires further.

"Well, if we didn't know that the boss here is Ortega, then yes. We might be," Serena replies to Harrington's question.

"Is that so. Well then, that leaves me with one last thing to ask you..." Harrington says, keeping us in suspense.

1. Ash's Story (Part 11: Paldea,Kitakami,Unova)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum