Chapter 79

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Now, we're exploring the Coastal Biome. As we wander around the area, we come across Froakie and Popplio swimming gracefully, while Bulbasaurs, Chikoritas, and Grookeys frolic amongst the vibrant flowers. Serena points out, "It looks like there are six different Starter Pokémon for each biome..."

"But we've only found five so far. What could the last one be?" Lillie inquires.

I suggest, "Maybe the last one is hiding in that cave." We notice a cave entrance named the Torchlit Labyrinth. Venturing inside, we encounter the evolutionary lines of Gothita, Happiny, Magby, and even Mudkip.

As we exit the cave, we spot Fire-type Pokémon such as Talonflame, Torkoal, and Camerupt. My attention is drawn to some Oricorio nearby, and I comment, "It's interesting how here, the Pa'u form Oricorio is abundant. In Paldea, Balie and Pom-pom style Oricorio are more common, while in Kitakami, Sensu Style ones dominate."

Lillie nods and says, "You're absolutely right about that..."

I decide to look at Lacey's information, "Lacey: BB League Rank: #3. This hard worker only catches Pokémon she finds cute, so she naturally became a masterful Trainer of Fairy-types. She's beloved by her fellow students. Hailing from Nimbasa City in Unova."

"Nimbasa City..." I sigh. "The place with that Ferris Wheel..."

Minami chimes in, "The same Ferris Wheel where you took Tepig from Hilda, right?" I sigh and admit, "Yeah, not a good memory. I was being N at the time."

When we reach the plaza, we decide to spend an additional 50 BP. A staff member calls out, "Miss Lacey, we need you over here!"

"Coming!" Lacey responds before spotting us. She says, "Oh, if it isn't you guys! I'm so glad you decided to pay me a visit! Please follow me; I'll show you to the trial site."

We follow Lacey, arriving at a flowery area. She begins, "Thank you for coming to the Coastal Plaza to challenge me. And... I want to apologize for the way I protested your entry into the BB League, Ash. It's true that this goes against our school club's bylaws, but my main concern was not wanting you to get involved in the recent club drama."

I nod and respond, "I think I understand what you mean..."

"I suppose our trial has already officially begun, so let's get to it and have some fun!" Lacey smiles. "The trial I've come up with is... a Pokémon quiz! I'll ask you five questions about Pokémon. If you can answer them all correctly, then you pass! Are you ready to attempt my Pokémon quiz, Ash?"

"If you think mere quizzes can stop my brother, then you're mistaken," Insey confidently declares.

"Indeed, Ash has consistently been at the top of all the classes he's attended," Lucine adds.

"Stop it, guys. You're embarrassing me," I blush slightly.

Lacey smiles as she looks at my Pikachu and suddenly picks him up, much to the mouse's surprise. "All right, here we go! And look—it's everyone's favorite Pokémon, Pikachu, here to help! And with that... question one!"

After gently placing Pikachu back down, she asks, "Pikachu is an Electric-type Pokémon well-known for producing electricity within its body. But in which part of its body does it store the electricity it generates?"

I confidently respond, "Pikachu has been my buddy for almost nine years, so I know this one. It's the cheeks."

"Ding ding ding! You got it! Pikachu stores its electricity in the electric sacs in its cheeks! If you poke the sacs, you'll get a little shock, but don't you think they're just super round and cute?" Lacey asks.

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