Chapter 35

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Upon our arrival at Kitakami Hall, we find a significant gathering of people, and the Caretaker immediately notices our presence. Regretfully, the Caretaker informs us, "Ah, if it isn't Ash and the others! If only you'd been here a few minutes earlier!"

Carmine, eager to get answers, inquires, "Hey, did those lousy three Pokémon come here?!"

The Caretaker, emphasizing the trio's title, corrects her, saying, "I believe you mean the LOYAL Three, Carmine."

Unperturbed, Carmine dismisses the title, prompting the Caretaker to sigh and comment, "Always with your attitude..." However, the Caretaker proceeds to reveal the astonishing development, explaining, "But yes, you did miss out on an incredible treat! The Loyal Three were just visiting our humble little hall! It seemed they wished to collect the shining masks we've kept safe here at Kitakami Hall... so naturally, we representatives of the hall were happy to return the masks to them with all haste!"

Our collective shock and dismay are evident as we process the Caretaker's revelation. Alice, unable to conceal her astonishment, gasps, "You gave them the masks?!"

The Caretaker seems quite pleased with their interaction with the Loyal Three, and they proudly add, "And we offered them a platter of our special Kitakami Mochi, packed full of our best herbs! The Loyal Three gobbled them up in a flash!"

Our astonishment deepens as we learn more about the extent of the villagers' hospitality. Luke can't help but exclaim, "And you FED them?!"

The Caretaker defends their decision, asserting, "Kitakami Mochi are full of nutrition! The Loyal Three are bigger and stronger now, I'm sure!"

However, Carmine remains resolute in her stance, emphasizing, "But those lousy three are the bad guys! The masks belong to Ogerpon! Ugh, I really wish I could tell them everything..."

I share Carmine's frustration, responding in a hushed tone, "I know what you mean, Carmine." I whispers back before asking, "So, where did those three go?"

"They went at once to ascend Oni Mountain! Perhaps they have it in mind to finish off the terrible ogre that lurks in the Dreaded Den." The caretaker replies.

"No wonder they were dubbed the Loyal Three! Such hardworking heroes they are!" The villagers, ignorant of the true nature of the Loyal Three's actions, cheer and praise their dedication. Frustrated and concerned, Serena asserts, "This isn't the time to be laughing at all! If the story we heard is true, then those three must've gone to get revenge on Ogerpon. They say the ogre fought using the powers of its masks. But Ogerpon doesn't have any masks right now, right?! It won't stand a chance!"

"We must return the Teal Mask to Ogerpon," I emphasize.

"Absolutely, we're in agreement! However, it's best if we split up for now. I'll make my way to the Dreaded Den to assist Ogerpon. Meanwhile, I'll return home with the mask and crystal to get it repaired. Please, pass me the mask and crystal," I say, handing over the Teal Mask to Carmine.

Golly readily offers his assistance, saying, "I'll accompany you."

Luke expresses his intent to join as well, stating, "Count me in."

Carmine acknowledges our support, saying, "Thank you! We'll head your way immediately after the mask's been fixed. In the meantime, ensure Ogerpon's safety!"

Upon our arrival at the Dreaded Den, we're met with the distressing sight of Ogerpon being relentlessly attacked by the Loyal Three. Ogerpon is in a pitiable state, poisoned and weakened, lying on the ground defenseless. Without hesitation, we launch a coordinated assault on the Loyal Three.

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