Chapter 48

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Upon our arrival at Casscarafa City, Alice observes, "So this is where the Water Gym is located? To think that it's not close to water but a desert..."

Serena nods, adding, "I know, now we just need to find the Quaking Earth Titan."

Bryce expresses his curiosity, "Do you have any description about the Pokémon?"

I quickly open the Rotom Phone and read aloud, "Mysterious quakes keep shaking the Asado Desert. Porto Marinada locals claim they've caught glimpses of an unknown creature raging about through the obscuring clouds of sand and dust."

As Golly questions the mention of mysterious quakes, the ground beneath us suddenly trembles, causing everyone to react. Daniel asks, "What was that?"

"I don't know," I reply, a sense of anticipation filling the air. Arven's call comes in, and we quickly answer.

"Hey, Ash, Serena, and woah! When did you get four more pals? Apparently, this desert is home to the Quaking Earth Titan. Speaking of which, the ground's been shaking off and on and... urk... making me feel a bit sick... Sorry, I'm gonna just sit down and rest a little before I get back to Titan hunting..."

I reassure him, "Just take your time." After ending the call, I express my concern, "But this shaking is really abnormal... I just hope it's not some sort of Tectonic Rage..."

The others chuckle at my joke, trying to lighten the mood. However, as we move forward, our laughter fades as we come across an unusual sight – two Donphans walking towards us. But something is clearly not right. Golly points out, "Wait, are those Donphan?"

Lucine observes with concern, "Something is not right about them... this one looks like it has two giant tusks and some red scales... and the other one looks so metallic..."

"And those sizes... no doubt they are the Quaking Earth Titan!" Serena concludes.

Drandon is taken aback, "You mean there is not one but two Titans at the same time? Are they working together?"

I voice my unease, "One is already hard to beat, but two of them?"

Both of our Rotom Phones ring simultaneously, and we answer to find Professor Sada and Professor Turo on the line.

"Hello, Ash and Serena. This is Professor Sada." "And this is Professor Turo."

I inquire, "What is going on?"

Sada begins to explain, "I see that you have been facing two Pokémon that look like Donphan. However, their names are Great Tusk and Iron Treads."

Turo adds, "Both of them came from the Great Crater of Paldea. I ask that you do whatever is needed to subdue them for us - with all due caution, of course."

Serena seeks clarification, "So they're called Great Tusk and Iron Treads? And they are both from the Great Crater of Paldea?"

"But still, we need to deal with them. Krookodile! I choose you!" I send out my Ground Type Pokémon, and Serena, Alice, and the others also release their Pokémon to assist in the battle.

"Use Blizzard!" Serena commands Lapras to unleash an Ice-type attack on Great Tusk, dealing significant damage. However, Iron Treads appears to be less affected, and when it retaliates with Iron Head, Lapras takes a considerable hit.

Realizing the situation, I exclaim, "I get it, Iron Treads is not only Ground Type, but also Steel Type. That means Krookodile's Earthquake can deal more damage to Iron Treads!" Krookodile delivers a powerful Earthquake attack, landing a solid blow on Iron Treads.

Drandon joins the action, shouting, "Salamence! Hurricane!" Salamence launches a Hurricane attack that hits Great Tusk effectively. It follows up with a Brick Break, targeting Luke's Garganacl.

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