Chapter 71

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The following day at school, Serena, Golly, Alice, Nemona, Arven, Penny, and I find ourselves summoned to the Principal's Office. Penny frowns and remarks, "We're in for an earful, aren't we."

"Guess we'll find out soon enough!" Nemona replies.

"No need for concern, you two. I'm not angry in the slightest," Director Clavell says reassuringly. "I've called you all here to discuss your remarkable achievements in this year's Treasure Hunt. You successfully shut down the professor's time machine, preventing ancient Pokémon and Pokémon from the future from running rampant across Paldea. Your actions were truly outstanding in every regard, and I couldn't be prouder of all of you. Although your decision to enter a strictly off-limits area was admittedly...regrettable."

"Heh. You've got us there," Nemona says with a wry smile.

"However, since this was necessary to protect Paldea and its precious ecosystems, I am willing to overlook that particular point," Director Clavell declares.

We breathe sighs of relief, and Penny adds, "Phew... So we're not getting raked over the coals after all."

"Oh! Before I forget, Master Ash and Master Serena, there's something I would like you to have. Each of your friends has received one already, so this one is for you." We then receive our who-knows-what-number of the Master Ball.

"Oh, and about the Hall of Fame Badge I gave you a short while ago—that gift is one we bestow only upon students who achieve truly remarkable feats. I expect you to honor what that badge represents by striving always to serve as a model for your fellow students," Director Clavell continues.

"You can count on us," Serena and I assure in unison.

"Splendid. Such enthusiasm will surely take you far in life." Director Clavell turns to Arven and offers his condolences, saying, "And, Master Arven... I was deeply sorry to hear about the professor. You have my deepest condolences."

"Ah... Well... Yeah, it was pretty rough when I found out my parents had died..." Arven frowns. "But weirdly enough, my head actually feels clear now. For the first time in ages. In the Great Crater, I got to learn a bit about my parents' research and what they were trying to achieve down there. I guess if you're building something as mind-blowing as a time machine, that takes priority over showering your son with attention, huh? All I know is I'm done feeling like some lost little kid. Done. Time to say goodbye and move on. I'm gonna enjoy every last day till graduation with my buds here—and Mabosstiff, 'course!"

"Well said, Mister Arven. You truly are your parents' son. Of course, I must remind you that you've nowhere near enough credits to graduate. You'll need to study diligently to catch up, but I have every expectation of your success," Director Clavell states with a stern tone, causing Arven to frown in surprise. "Wha-?"

"And let us not forget the other good news! Our academy has a new Champion!" Director Clavell exclaims enthusiastically. "Though we sadly cannot make your valiant deeds in the Great Crater known to the public, your new Champion Rank, at least, should be celebrated throughout the whole school."

"Oooh! I know how we should celebrate! We should hold a Pokémon battle contest!" Nemona eagerly suggests.

"Seriously? Could we not?" Arven mutters.

"Classic Nemona," Golly shakes her head.

"A Pokémon battle contest, you say..." Director Clavell begins thoughtfully. "While your own vested interests in such a venture are more than apparent, Miss Nemona, I think it's a fine idea! But please understand that a large-scale event will be quite beyond us. We've many other school activities to keep an eye on, after all..." He frowns.

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