Chapter 17

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As we ring the bell and enter the base, Clive also enters, and we wonder if he has heard our conversation from before. He says, "Careful now, guys. Team Star has a unique way of doing battle. They call it a Star Barrage! To get through it, you need to send out multiple Pokémon and have them battle at the same time."

"I see. Thanks for the tip," I say.

"If your Pokémon get low on health, come back here, and I'll heal them up for you. The grunts you're facing will heal up their Pokémon too, so stay sharp out there."

Then we hear the speaker blaring, "Heads up, gang! Some jumped-up kids have wandered in thinking they can raid our base! Clearly, they don't know who they're messing with. Let's teach them a lesson they won't forget! To our unwanted guests - if they can defeat 30 of our Pokemon in the next 10 minutes, our boss might just honor you with an appearance!"

With the challenge set before us, we prepare for battle. Team Star wastes no time, sending out a barrage of Pokémon: Pawniard, Zorua, Sandile, Stunky, Murkrow, Sneasel, and Sableye. In response, we unleash our own Pokémon: Lucario, Spidops, Mimikyu, Kommo-o, Hawlucha, and Armaldo. Just as Clive said, after defeating one of Team Star's Pokémon, they quickly heal and send them back into battle. It's a relentless cycle, and despite our Pokémon's advantage against Dark-types, the sheer number of opponents starts to wear us down.

As we struggle to reach the goal of defeating 30 Pokémon, a grunt among them finally concedes, "They're way above our level! We've gotta get the boss!"

The grunts scramble to escape, leaving us standing there, battle-weary yet determined, as we prepare to confront Team Star's boss. The tension in the air grows palpable as we await the ultimate showdown.

Just then, the sound of an engine roars to life, and our eyes widen in astonishment as a colossal car materializes before us. It's unlike anything we've ever seen, with eerie, sentient features. The car's wheels have eyes that seem to gleam with an unnatural energy, and there's a Pokémon perched on the front as if it's a part of the vehicle's design.

It becomes evident that the car is powered by the presence of Pokémon, and their influence is unmistakable. They're not just along for the ride; they're integral to the car's existence, lending it an otherworldly aura.

Perched atop this bizarre mechanical behemoth is Giacomo, sporting a cap and headphones that give him an almost DJ-like appearance. In his hands, he holds a laptop, from which an ominous boss battle theme resonates. The music fills the air, intensifying the already surreal atmosphere. He yells, "You've done a real number on us, party crashers!"

"Giacomo! Is that really you?" I inquire, my voice tinged with surprise and concern.

Giacomo, still grappling with the unexpected presence of my sister, Serena, Luke, Drandon, Lucine, and me, appears somewhat disheartened as he admits, "To think you are all here. Ash, Serena, Luke, Drandon, Lucine, and... whoever you are." There's a slight melancholy in his voice as he acknowledges the unfamiliar face among us.

"Yeah, you've never met her; she's my sister, Golly," I explain, attempting to bridge the gap between my sister and the situation at hand. "So what have you been doing in Team Star? Your parents are worried about you!"

Serena chimes in, her voice carrying a mix of concern and curiosity. "He's right, Giacomo. Will you tell us what you're actually doing?"

Giacomo's response is laced with a touch of defiance and a whole lot of bravado. "At the deck, I go by DJ Vice! Call me whichever - it's a vibe either way. Nice to meet you all again... but how 'bout we skip straight to your outro? Don't worry - I'll play you a sick requiem as you crash and burn. Let's get this party staaarteeed!"

1. Ash's Story (Part 11: Paldea,Kitakami,Unova)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum