Chapter 31

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As we return to Mossui Town, our attention is immediately captured by the presence of a girl who has a Hisuian Growlithe by her side. We are taken aback, as we believed that Hisuian Growlithe was believed to be extinct, and it's a rare sight to encounter one.

We approach the girl and her Hisuian Growlithe, and she seems surprised by our presence. As we get closer, we're struck by the uncanny resemblance between her and Adaman. She takes a moment to process our appearance and then says, "Whoa! Where'd you come from? I didn't even notice you there."

Before we can introduce ourselves, she interrupts, exclaiming, "Wait, no! Don't say a thing! I want to guess first. You're the students who came here from the Paldea and Unova region on a school trip!"

We exchange surprised glances, our curiosity piqued by the mysterious woman's uncanny ability to correctly guess our origin with no prior information. I lean in closer and inquire, "How did you come to know that?"

"Heh heh! It's a small town, you know," she replies with a mischievous grin. "News tends to spread pretty quickly! The name's Perrin, by the way. I'm a traveler with a bit of a thing for photography." She gestures to her loyal companion. "This here's my bud, Growlithe. Doesn't the little horn on its head make it the cutest?"

I can't help but agree, albeit somewhat reluctantly. "Well... yeah," I mutter.

Perrin's eyes light up with enthusiasm. "Hey, this might sound a bit weird, but would it be all right if I took your photo?" Before I can even begin to consider her request, Serena chimes in with an eager, "Sure?"

"Just like that, huh? Are you always this open with total strangers? Kinda worried about you, kiddo!" Perrin chuckles warmly, clearly amused by our willingness to connect. "Anyway, let me snap that photo."

With a delighted nod, Perrin readies her camera, capturing our moment in a single click. The camera's shutter sound echoes in the air as she remarks, "You've got a unique vibe, you know. I like it. It's a bit different than what I'm used to."

Perrin continues, her tone thoughtful, "I'm gonna be making this town my home base for a little while. Why don't you focus on wrapping up whatever you've got going on for now? Come see me after, I dunno, registering 150 Pokémon in the Kitakami Pokédex or something!"

I can't help but exchange surprised glances with Alice and Serena before revealing the truth. "Uh, to tell the truth, we already have 194 Pokémon registered in the Kitakami Pokédex," I say, extending the Pokedex towards her for confirmation.

Perrin gasps in surprise, her eyes widening in disbelief. "Now I KNOW you're the real deal! Pretty impressive! You must really be something special, kiddo. You probably know more about Pokémon here in Kitakami than I do—and I got here first!"

Alice chimes in, adding another layer to the story. "Actually, we've been here in this place since we were little."

Perrin's enthusiasm doesn't waver. "Which reminds me! I've got a favor to ask you, see. A real Pokémon-catching pro like you is just what I need."

Serena, her curiosity piqued, questions, "What kind of favor are you talking about?"

Perrin grins, clearly delighted by Serena's interest. "Ooh, did I tickle your curiosity? Glad you don't seem afraid to poke your head into new things! In that case, let me tell you what I'm all about." She takes a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing. "The reason I came here to Kitakami was actually to find a certain Pokémon...and photograph it."

Perrin's face falls slightly, disappointment evident in her frown. "I've been searching on my own for ages, but I still haven't found it! So, kiddo... how about doing me a solid by helping me with my search? I'd owe you forever!"

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