Chapter 10

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Upon reaching the top of the bakery, we find the Gym Leader Katy engrossed in feeding cupcakes to a Vivillon. She coos, "Eat up, my cute little Vivillon!"

As Vivillon finishes the cupcake and flies away, Katy turns her attention to us. She expresses her gratitude, saying, "Oh? What a lovely Trainer you are. Thank you very much for your skillful olive rolling. It was quite impressive."

I reply, "No problem." Then I ask her directly, "So you must be Katy, the Gym Leader, right?"

Katy confirms, "Yes, and I am the owner here at Patisserie Soapberry. Oh? That's right, I'm not in my shop—I'm on duty as leader of the Cortondo Gym right now! Forgive me. Ahem. My name is Katy, and I am the Gym Leader here in Cortondo."

I can't help but find her introduction a bit odd, as we had already heard about her. Regardless, she continues with her explanation, "My main line of work is crafting sweets as a pastry chef. Little sweets that bring happiness with just one bite, Bug-type Pokémon hiding in foliage... Both are small and yet very powerful. Don't let your guard down unless you would like to find yourself knocked off your feet!"

As we stand on the sides of the battlefield, Katy announces, "My first Pokémon will be Nymble!"

I respond confidently, "I'll go with Flamigo!"

Flamigo takes its place on the battlefield as Katy's Nymble appears. The battle commences, and Katy warns, "Don't take my Bug-Type Pokémon lightly. You will be in a world of pain if you do! Now let's get started with Struggle Bug!"

I quickly command, "Dodge it, Flamigo!" Flamigo deftly evades Nymble's Struggle Bug attack.

With determination, I continue, "Now use Wing Attack!" Flamigo strengthens its wings and delivers a powerful blow, dealing some damage to Nymble.

However, Katy counters with a strategic move, shouting, "Now use Bounce!" Nymble leaps into the air, causing Flamigo's Wing Attack to miss, and then lands on Flamigo, dealing substantial damage and even causing it to become paralyzed.

"No, Flamigo!" I exclaim in concern.

Serena offers words of encouragement, saying, "Katy seems to be so strong... But Ash can do it."

"Time to finish it, Sucker Punch!" Katy commands Nymble to charge the attack, but I quickly respond, "Flamigo! Don't let it hit by using Roost!" Flamigo recovers some of its health, causing the Sucker Punch to fail.

"Now finish with Brave Bird!" I command, and Flamigo delivers a powerful blow that ultimately defeats Katy's Nymble.

With a sense of satisfaction, I declare, "Alright, that's the first win."

Katy recalls her Nymble and sends out Tarountula as her next Pokémon. I decide to switch to Pikachu for this battle, and Pikachu eagerly steps onto the battlefield, ready for the challenge.

I command, "Alright Pikachu, use Thunderbolt!" Pikachu charges up and releases a bolt of electricity at Tarountula. However, Tarountula swiftly dodges the attack and retaliates with Assurance, hitting Pikachu.

"Pikachu, I know you can do it. We have a lot of strategies to use," I encourage. "Now use Quick Attack and Double Team at the same time!"

Pikachu executes the maneuver skillfully, creating multiple duplicates of itself and moving rapidly, confusing both Katy and Tarountula. They struggle to identify the real Pikachu and are unable to use Bug Bite to target it.

I seize the opportunity, declaring, "Finish it off with Volt Tackle!" Pikachu and its duplicates converge on Tarountula, overwhelming it with their combined assault. The electric charge proves too much for Tarountula to handle, and it faints, securing another victory for our team.

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