Chapter 57

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(Biology Midterm)

In the midst of our seats, Professor Jacq enters. "Hello hello, everyone. Today is our final exam. It will cover everything I've taught you so far! But I'm sure you all will do just fine. Take your time, and contemplate each question carefully."

Gazing upon the paper, I find 21 questions awaiting my attention. There are multiple choices, true and false questions, and of course, the final question that still strikes me as somewhat peculiar:

- This question won't affect your grade! -

Do you have anything you would like to say about my class? I'm still getting used to this teaching thing, but I sure had fun as your teacher!

From my perspective, Professor Jacq did a good job teaching us a lot about biology, so I decide to express my honest thoughts. As the school bell chimes, Jacq grins, "OK! Time's up whether you like it or not! I hope everyone enjoyed tackling those questions! Hehe... I snuck in a little bonus question there right at the end again. Shhh, our little secret— don't tell the director!"

He collects the answer sheets and adds, "I'll grade these right away. I hope you're all looking forward to seeing how you did!"

"Well, I never knew that Professor Jacq is new to this teaching thing..." Serena comments after the exam. "But the class sure is fun."

"It's not entirely surprising," I remark with a chuckle. "But I have a feeling Director Clavell might have a word or two with him about including that question on the final exam as well, maybe more than an earful compared to the midterm."

(Math Final)

In the realm of math exams, a subject often met with disdain by many students, Professor Tyme enters the room with a cheerful smile. "All right, everyone. It's time to begin our final exam. I'm sure the fun experiences you all had in my class will serve you well as you answer!"

The 20 questions covers a range of topics, including shopping for items, calculating Pokemon move power with critical hits, type advantages and disadvantages, stat increases and decreases, and power multiplication after Terastallizing. Some of the questions are deceptively tricky, but I feel confident in my abilities.

As the bell signals the end of the exam, Professor Tyme beams, "All right, everyone. Time is up! Put your hands on your laps, now. This test was the culmination of all I taught you, and I'm sure you all did just fine. I hope you all have a nice break."

After class, Drandon approaches me with a question, "There's one question that asks if a Pokémon uses Swords Dance twice to boost its Attack by four stages, how much damage will its physical moves deal afterward? What's your answer?"

I reply confidently, "That's easy; it's triple damage. You're not telling me you chose 'double,' are you?"

Drandon grins, "Of course not. Just checking."

(History Final)

Professor Raifort strides into the classroom, clutching the question sheets, and offers a warm smile. "Greetings, my little students. It is time for our final examination."

Upon receiving the question paper, she continues, "Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."

The 20 questions cover various topics such as the Great Crater of Paldea, the founding history of Narauva University, the legendary Treasure of Ruin Pokémon, the Area Zero Expedition, and the invention of Tera Orbs. However, it is annoying that the midterm question about the school's years appears once again.

When the bell rings, Professor Raifort remarks, "Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! You must excuse that last question. It is too shallow and ridiculous to be on a history test, but alas...the director forced me to include it."

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