Chapter 25

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(Biology Midterm)

In the midst of our seats, Professor Jacq enters. "Hello, hello, everyone. Today is our midterm exam. It sure feels good to fill in all those empty spaces on the answer sheet, doesn't it? Take your time, and contemplate each question carefully."

Gazing upon the paper, I find 21 questions awaiting my attention. The majority of them pertain to Pokémon, but that doesn't deter me from completing the test. Yet, the final question strikes me as somewhat peculiar:

- This question won't affect your grade! -

How do you like the Pokedex? Is it easy to use? I'd be happy to hear your honest opinions!

From my perspective, the Pokédex is genuinely helpful, so I decide to express my honest thoughts. As the school bell chimes, Jacq grins, "All right, everyone! Time's up! I hope you all enjoyed tackling those questions! That last question was just something that I'm personally curious to know. Don't tell the director about it, OK?"

He collects the answer sheets and adds, "I'll grade these right away. I hope you're all looking forward to seeing how you did!"

"Is Professor Jacq serious?" Serena questions after the exam. "Did he really ask us about our opinion on the Pokédex?"

"Considering he's the creator of the Pokédex, it's not entirely surprising," I remark with a chuckle. "But I have a feeling Director Clavell might have a word or two with him about including that question on the midterm exam."

(Math Midterm)

In the realm of math exams, a subject often met with disdain by many students, Professor Tyme enters the room with a cheerful smile. "All right, everyone. It's time to begin our midterm exam. I'm sure the fun experiences you all had in my class will serve you well as you answer!"

The 20 questions delve into Type advantages, essentially shopping-related inquiries, and the intricacies of critical hits and their impact on battles. I must admit that the section on Critical Hits is proving to be more challenging than anticipated, but I feel reasonably confident in my answers.

As the bell signals the end of the exam, Professor Tyme beams, "All right, everyone. Time is up! Put your hands on your laps, now. You were all concentrating so hard. I can't wait to see how you did."

"So, what's the usual probability for a Pokémon to score a critical hit?" Drandon inquires. "What did you guys put down?"

"I believe it's 4%, as it's 1/24," I reply.

"I also wrote down the same answer," Lucine confirms. "You didn't think it was 24%, did you?" she teases Luke.

Luke sighs. "That was a slip-up."

"Uh-huh..." Golly rolls her eyes playfully.

(History Midterm)

Professor Raifort strides into the classroom, clutching the question sheets, and offers a warm smile. "Greetings, my little students. It is time for our midterm examination."

Upon receiving the question paper, she continues, "Summon your historical knowledge from the dark recesses of your minds, and answer the questions."

The 20 questions predominantly revolve around the Paldea Region, encompassing topics such as the great crater, the empire's history, and even the school's origin, which, I must admit, is quite tricky. The multiple-choice options for the school's founding year are A: 805, B: 806, C: 807.

As the bell tolls, Professor Raifort announces, "Your time is up! Put your writing utensils down! That last question was a freebie. Even the least capable of you surely padded your score there."

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