Chapter 5

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As we ascend the staircase, the grandeur of the university building comes into view. The entrance hall welcomes us with an impressive display of knowledge, shelves upon shelves of books encompassing the area. our eyes light up with excitement as we take in the surroundings.

Nemona, our guide through this academic labyrinth, extends a warm welcome. "Here we are, Florian and Juliana! Welcome to Narauva Academy! This here's the entrance hall! You can sign up for all kinds of classes at the desk behind me, and those halls off to the sides lead to all different parts of the school. It's totally big enough to let loose and battle in here, but for some reason, they banned Pokemon battling in the main entrance."

Serena ponders the reasoning behind the prohibition. "Perhaps they're safeguarding the books from any collateral damage," she suggests.

Suddenly, Clavell, the academy's esteemed director, makes his entrance. "Mister Florian, Miss Juliana, Miss Nemona," he addresses us. "How did you find this school commute?"

I reply with enthusiasm, "It has been a thrilling experience. This place is nothing short of astonishing."

Clavell acknowledges our adventure thus far. "I imagine Miss Nemona's high spirits helped with that. She's a true asset to our fine academy."

"Well, I know how to look after my friends! Right, Florian, Juliana? Oh! But speaking of which... we saw some of those Team Star kids in town, Director!" Nemona exclaims, her dedication to our well-being evident in her words.

The director appears taken aback by this revelation. "You did?! Where?" His surprise is evident.

I chime in, providing more details. "It was just down the stairs from the front gates. They were bothering a student who had an Eevee backpack."

The director absorbs this information, concern etched on his face. "That is quite the news. Are they still to be found out there?" he inquires.

Nemona shares the outcome of our encounter with Team Star. "Actually, Florian flexed on 'em and ran 'em off," she says with a hint of pride.

The director nods thoughtfully, his tone conveying both appreciation and caution. "Of course, it's a fine thing to try to help a fellow student, Mister Florian... But you might wish to show a bit of restraint as you find your feet here at our academy."

I acknowledge my mistake, feeling a pang of regret. "I'm sorry... I'll exercise more caution in the future."

Clavell, the wise and responsible director, addresses Nemona with a reminder. "And, Miss Nemona, do remember that the school's staff is here to resolve any such troubles."

Nemona acknowledges this with a slightly flustered response. "Uh... Right! Yes sir, Director!"

Clavell, adjusting his glasses, considers the situation further. "A child with an Eevee backpack, you say... I suppose that might have been Miss Penny. I'm relieved to hear she's come to class, at least. Ah, and Miss Nemona? It you'd be so good, do report to Mr. Jacq about this Team Star business. As your homeroom teacher, he should be kept apprised of all such goings-on."

Nemona readily agrees, saying, "You got it, sir."

Clavell then checks the time and urges us along. "Ah, but look at the time. You two had better hurry along - class will be starting soon."

Serena, curious about our schedule, inquires, "Starting soon? So we still have class this afternoon?"

Nemona confirms, "Yes, we have Pokémon Biology class at 3 pm. That's Professor Jacq's class. We can introduce you to our classmates there."

With excitement and anticipation, Serena and I exchange smiles as we follow Nemona to the classroom. Before we enter, Nemona takes it upon herself to inform Professor Jacq about our arrival, ensuring a smooth transition into our new academic environment.

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