Chapter 47

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As we return to the classroom, an unexpected announcement comes over the loudspeaker, instructing us to report to the Principal's office. Anxiety creeps in as we wonder if we've done something wrong. We exchange worried glances but soon find ourselves standing outside the Principal's office, uncertain of what awaits.

To our surprise, we are met by familiar faces inside – Alice, Bryce, Insey, and Daniel.

"Ash! Serena!" They greet us enthusiastically, and I can't help but ask, "What's happening here? Why are you wearing our uniforms?"

Director Clavell clears his throat and explains, "You see, Master Ash and Master Serena, these four are exchange students from the Blueberry Academy. However, this year's exchange program is a bit different. Blueberry Academy students will spend two months here first, and then our four students will go there for two months. You, along with the Wataru Siblings, have been selected for this unique opportunity."

"So, you're going to stay here for two months?" I exclaim.

Daniel chimes in, "Yes, coming to Paldea feels like returning home for me. By the way, have you had a chance to challenge my Mom in a Gym battle yet?"

Serena grins, "Not yet, but she's next on our list."

After we escort them to the dorm rooms and then the Biology Classroom, Golly, Drandon, Lucine, and Luke react with surprise. Golly can't believe it and asks, "Seriously? Insey, even you've been chosen as an exchange student?"

Insey grins and replies, "Of course, sis Golly."

Their excitement leads to a lively conversation, as they catch up and get along with each other. The classroom buzzes with chatter until Professor Jacq enters, signaling the start of the class.

"Hello, hello! I hope everyone's ready to learn some new things today!" Professor Jacq greets the class enthusiastically. "It seems that we have some exchange students from the Paldea Region. I welcome you to the Narauva Academy, and I will be your homeroom teacher for the time being."

The four students exchange greetings before taking their seats. Alice chooses to sit beside me and Serena. Professor Jacq, with a weak smile, adds, "But before we get going, do you all remember the final question from our midterm exam? Well, Director Clavell found out about it somehow, and I got yelled at. Whoops. Apparently, he could tell I was hiding something just by looking at me. He must've noticed all the color flush right out of my face! Haha!"

A collective sigh sweeps through the classroom, and Alice turns to me, curious. "What question?"

I shrug casually. "Oh, just a survey about how we like the Pokedex, nothing else."

Jacq segues smoothly into the day's lesson, saying, "Speaking of color, today I'd like to teach you all about colors as they pertain to Pokémon! Some Pokémon have slightly different coloration or patterning on their bodies based on their gender or individual differences. In very rare cases, a Pokémon may have wildly different coloration compared to others of the same species. We call these specimens Shiny Pokémon."

The topic for the class is now 'Shiny Pokémon,' and I can't help but smile. I have 17 Shiny Pokémon with me, so I know quite a bit about them. Jacq continues, "It is quite rare to cross paths with one. Does anyone here know what the likelihood of finding a Shiny Pokémon is?"

I eagerly raise my hand and reply, "It will be 1 in 4,000!"

"Wow! That's right! You may have the makings of a Pokémon Professor, Florian! Shiny Pokémon appear at a rate of 1 in 4,000. Isn't that amazing?" Professor Jacq exclaims.

Daniel raises an eyebrow, clearly curious. "Florian?"

Serena leans over and whispers to him, "Ash's mom asked us to use fake names and disguises. Call me Juliana when in school." He nods in understanding.

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