Chapter 3

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We follow the two Dragon Pokemon as they lead us to our destination, the towering lighthouse standing proudly against the horizon. As we approach, our attention is drawn to a boy who stands before us. He's dressed in a shirt, sharp blue vest, and a neatly knotted purple tie. Strapped to his back is a conspicuous giant green backpack, a familiar sight for me. Brock and Cilan are the usual bearers of such backpacks, reserved for all their cooking supplies.

Upon spotting the Dragons, my annoyance bubbles up when the boy explodes in anger, shouting, "What're you two doing out here?!"

Serena, ever polite and concerned, attempts to defuse the situation, asking, "Um... are you okay?" However, she is met with a harsh shove, and his reply leaves no room for courtesy.

"I'm not talking to you three. You can shove off," he snaps dismissively.

My temper flares, and I step forward, determined to address his rudeness. "No need to be so rude toward us!" I assert firmly.

Nemona, ever the voice of reason, intervenes with her observation. "Wait," she begins thoughtfully, "I know you... Aren't you Arven? You're enrolled in the humanities track, right? And aren't you the son of those Pokémon researchers—Professor Sada and Professor Turo?"

Sada and Turo? I rack my brain for any mention of these names by Professor Oak or elsewhere, but I draw a blank. Serena, standing beside me, appears equally perplexed, sharing my confusion.

Arven's frustration is palpable as he yells back at us, "Doesn't matter who my mom or dad is! The real issue here is what in the world these Pokémon are doing out here! And what is with this form they're in?!"

We exchange concerned glances but maintain our composure. I respond, my wariness is still intact, "We found them at the bottom of the cliff. They saved us from a pack of wild Houndours."

Nemona elaborates, "See, we heard this strange cry, and we tried to investigate, but Florian and Juliana fell off a cliff... These Pokémon saved them, but it seems like they wore themselves out in the process. They got kinda... slumpy afterward."

Serena inquires, her curiosity getting the better of her, "Haven't you seen them before? They looked completely different, and they were unbelievably strong!"

"Well yeah. As they should be. But they can't fight while they're like this," Arven finally seems to calm down a bit as he turns his attention to the two Pokemon. "The form that both Koraidon and Miraidon take in battle... That's their true form," he explains.

"Koraidon and Miraidon? Are those the Pokemon's names? How do you know them?" I ask, genuinely intrigued by the connection between Arven and the mysterious creatures.

As the two Pokemon start heading towards a door beside the lighthouse, Arven delivers a somewhat discouraging message. "You can't go in. It's locked."

Arven's curiosity about our origins seems to have cooled slightly as he takes in our uniforms. "I don't remember ever seeing you around. But given the go to the academy too, do you?" he inquires.

I offer a friendly introduction, eager to establish a rapport. "Well, yeah, I'm Florian, and this is Juliana," I reply, gesturing towards Serena. "And these are our Pokemon: Pikachu, Zoroark, and Sylveon."

Arven nods in acknowledgment and begins shedding light on the mysterious Pokemon, Koraidon and Miraidon. "Koraidon and Miraidon aren't the sort of Pokemon that any old Trainer can hope to command. They're special," he explains.

Serena, intrigued by this revelation, seeks more information. "Can you tell us more?" she asks. "I mean, both of them seem to trust us quite a bit."

As Arven notices the two Pokemon approaching us, standing loyally by our side, he proposes a test of our worthiness. "So you think you're up to ordering Koraidon around? Then how 'bout I test your worthiness?" he challenges.

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