28. Piece Of Cake!

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Piece Of Cake!

Ava's POV

(at Moore's penthouse, Fri, August 11, 2023, 06:00)

It's Axel's 28th birthday today. Lawrence and I had planned to surprise him today when he woke up. As usual, I woke up before them. I had to wake Lawrence up quietly so Axel wouldn't know. I caressed Lawrence's face and he opened his eyes.

"Hi babe. Good morning."

I greeted him quietly and kissed him. He smiled back at me.

"Good morning, baby girl."

He said, and then he slowly moved out of the bed. He lifted me off the bed to the floor, then we got out of the room silently. Lawrence was half naked, as usual, as Lawrence and Axel loved sleeping without a shirt. They kept me taunted every night, though we would just make out and pleasure each other. I knew that they also wanted to make love to me but I wasn't ready yet, and they understood. They said they won't pressure me into giving in. Instead, they were going to wait until I said so.

We reached the kitchen and Lawrence went to the fridge to take the cake out. I was staring at his back, admiring his tattoo. The first night when we became couples was the first time I saw them without their shirts on. And I was surprised to see they have the same tattoos.



(at Moore's penthouse, Tues, August 1, 2023, 19:00)

Axel and Lawrence had canceled their supposed meeting with the Italian Mafia. They told him that there was something important they needed to attend to. Yes, the "something important" was me. They were busy organizing the things we took from my old apartment building earlier in one of the rooms I used when I changed for the business dinner. They told me I should freshen up first and they would take care of it for me. Some of their men were helping them, so I wasn't really needed. I exited the bathroom in my towel and entered the closet, I saw them both half-naked while putting some of my clothes in an empty part. Lawrence also had moved some of his.

They didn't notice me so I had time to check them out. Both were so gorgeous. Muscled and toned body, smooth white skin. And Oh! Their tattoos! I didn't know, then I remembered when I told them my dream tattoo! I walked to them and touched both their backs. They flinched as my cold hands touched their bodies and looked at me.

"Your tattoos, you have the same tattoos!"

I said, almost in tears! I have always dreamed of having one, and that is of an Alpha female. And they both have wolf tattoos on their backs! Oh my! I couldn't help it and my tears fell. I didn't know why I got so emotional about those tattoos.

"Hey, hey baby girl."

"Angel, what's wrong?"

They both asked, comforting me. I was sobbing but with happy tears.

"I'm okay. I just... I... I didn't know you had the same tattoos. Last time in the car, when you asked me about what tattoo I would like to have, why didn't you tell me?"

I asked them. I wasn't mad at them, but more excited. But I didn't wait for their response and I continued.

"I had a dream once. After I drew a design for my wolf tattoo, I had a dream that night. I was with two wolves. I could hear myself laughing. I sounded so happy that time. I didn't know what that meant. Axel, Lawrence. I don't believe in coincidences, but how could this be? I fell in love with you two and you had the same tattoos. The same as my dream one."

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