65. At All Costs

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At All Costs

Author's POV

(at Axel's and Lawrence's mansion, Sat, March 2, 2024, almost noontime)

Axel and Lawrence were preparing for Ava's appointment with Dr. Argus. They were told that at that time, they might be able to find out the gender of the twins and they were all very excited.

As usual, Axel and Lawrence had already finished dressing up. They always gave Ava a lot of time to prepare so they always do their things first. While she was still in the bathroom, Axel and Lawrence prepared her clothes for the day.

Axel and Lawrence were at the bed when the bathroom door opened and revealed Ava. She wasn't wearing a towel but had already dried herself up. She approached Axel and Lawrence, and the two men were gawking at her.

Axel's and Lawrence's eyes roamed around her body and to her belly. Ava held her hands out to them and they took one each. Their free hands landed on Ava's belly.

"You're so beautiful, Angel."

You're wonderful, Baby."

Ava giggled at her men's words. The two men both kissed her and her belly, then they dressed her up. Axel put on her oversized shirt first, and then Lawrence kneeled to get her on her cycling shorts.

"Would you like to wear your sneakers, Baby?"

"Can I just wear my slippers today? I think I am more comfortable with those."

"Yes, sure, Baby."

Lawrence went to the closet to return the shoes and got Ava's slippers. He returned and put the slippers on Ava. Ava then turned to look at her men and saw them in casual shirts with the same color as hers. The men were also wearing shorts and they changed into slippers, to match Ava's outfit. Ava smiled.

"What's making our beloved smile?" _Axel.

"I'm still not used to seeing you in slippers." _Ava.

Axel and Lawrence chuckled.

"I admit, these slippers are comfortable." _Lawrence.

"Are you not worried what people might say about you dressing down? I mean, you always go out in formal clothes. They might say I have a bad influence on you regarding dressing up. " _Ava.

"Why would we be worried about that? We love how you dress up, Angel. And we're the ones picking your clothes for you."

"Yeah. And by the way, you look amazing whatever you wear, Baby. You're always beautiful. And you know, we will always match you up."

"Okay. I think we're good. Let's go. I'm excited already."

"Wait, Angel. Let's take a photo of us."

Axel and Lawrence turned Ava toward the massive mirror opposite their bed. (They installed it a month ago as they love watching each other when they make love with Ava.)

Axel took his phone and gave it to Ava so Ava could snap the picture, while they held Ava in their arms over her shoulders, and their free hands on her belly.

Axel and Lawrence had a wide smile on their faces. Ava counted up to three and snapped the photo. Ava returned his phone to him and he immediately sent a copy to Lawrence.

"Let's go now, Baby."

They walked out of their bedroom and strolled down the stairs. They were met by Samantha.

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