56. Unexpected Kindness

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Unexpected Kindness

Author's POV


"I killed them."

Luisa said, shocking Lisa.

"What did you say?!" _Lisa.

"You heard me, Lisa!" _Luisa.

"I'm not going to ask why anymore, Luisa. It won't matter now. I just want to get you out of here. So stop that evilness in your mind right now. Please." _Lisa.

"Hmp. As if they're going to let me out of here."

Luisa said, dejected. At that moment, it seemed like all her braveness had gone in the wind. Lisa faced Axel, Lawrence, and Ava. She was pleading with them with her eyes. Axel looked at her.

"If, and ONLY if, we let you go with her, what will you do?"

Axel asked, and Lisa felt a bit hopeful.

"I will get her to rehab. I knew something was wrong with her even before, but I ignored it. Now, she got worse, and I blame myself for it. I never really paid attention to her. Please, let me take her. I promise I will get her to rehab." _Lisa.

"How can we make sure you will do that? As far as we are concerned, you both are cunning liars." _Lawrence.

"No, please. Believe me. You can also choose the institution. You can take us there yourselves. You can have your guards around her if you want to. I just want her to be alive. I don't want her to die. Please."

Lisa fell to her knees, her head bowed. On the other hand, Luisa was quiet, staring blankly at the floor. She couldn't believe her twin sister would kneel in front of anyone to save her life.

"Axel, Lawrence, can we talk?"

Ava said quietly to Axel and Lawrence. Both men nodded at her and instructed their men to stay behind and keep an eye on the two women.

Axel and Lawrence followed Ava to the garden. Ava sat on the bench; Axel and Lawrence took each of her sides. She sighed and looked up to the sky.

"We know what you're thinking, Angel."

Axel said as he touched Ava's head, and Lawrence slowly caressed her back. She sighed once again.

"I want to kill her. I know you also want to. She killed Mama Mina."

Ava said calmly, still looking at the sky.


Lawrence asked. Axel and Lawrence knew she was having second thoughts. As much as they were still heartbroken about Mama MIna's passing, they completely understood Ava. After all, Ava had always been so kind and passionate.

"But, I don't want any more blood. And I think Luisa needs help. When she killed her parents, I believe that was to stop them from abusing them.

I knew about Lisa. I knew she had plans to get you, so I looked for any information about her. I found out she ran away from her abusive parents.

A few years later, her parents found her apartment, and they tried to hurt her again, forcing her to give them money. They called the police, and they never heard of them ever again.

There was no information about it. But after all, I never discovered Lisa had a twin sister. The information I got was only about her. Now it all makes sense why. She never told anyone she had a twin sister. Even the apartment building they lived in didn't know they were twins.

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