3. Put It Out There

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Put It Out There

(at Axel Moore's residence, Fri, July 28, 2023, 22:00)

Axel's POV

The traffic was fine. It only took 30 minutes to go from the estate to my residence. As soon as we arrived, I got out of the car, not waiting for Lawrence to open the door for me. I know Lawrence knows I'm not in the mood. Or at least, my mood was ruined. He didn't say a word and just followed me into the house.

When we got inside, he spoke.

"Bad night, huh?" he asked.

Well, more like he said, instead, heading to the living room.

He knows me a lot. He knows I'm in a sour mood, but he also knows I don't throw these bad vibes towards him, so he's open to asking me questions and speaking his thoughts.

I was heading to the stairs to my room, but I halted when he asked.

I sighed.

"Riva seems not to know when to stop. She's giving me headaches!" I said, trying to calm down.

Lawrence chuckled like it was an amusing thing to experience this annoyance.

"She's got hots for you, man. I mean, who wouldn't be? You're like every woman's fantasy." he was laughing now.

Instead of going upstairs, I settled to hang out with Lawrence. I went to my bar, got two glasses, and filled them with my favorite whiskey. I took the glasses, went to the couch where Lawrence was, gave him the other glass, and sat beside him.

"I don't know, man. I mean, yeah, she's sexy as fuck, but I don't have the hots for her. She's just like those other women I fuck. All they're after is money. I also don't fancy clingy women. It's just so suffocating!

And she just proved that to me when she started acting possessive. I have eyes and ears, you know. I know what she's doing in the office. I don't care what she does to the other women there, but I also don't want the people to think that we have something going on." again, I sighed. I took a sip of my glass, then gazed blankly before me.

"Why not just replace her, then?" he, too, took a sip from his glass, waiting for my reply.

"Yeah, I would. If only I could find someone as competent enough. Riva's the best secretary that I know so far. I couldn't afford to lose her now without making sure I would find someone better, or at least even as adequate as her.", I responded.

"I recall we put out an advertisement about it. That was like weeks ago. Hasn't anyone applied yet?" Lawrence asked as he stood up from the couch to get a refill for his glass.

"Riva hasn't told me anything yet. Now, I'm sure she may have something to do with it. I heard that she had slept with the HR Director some time ago. She might be getting the HR Director to refuse the applications." I sighed again for the nth time in the last hour.

"Would you like me to put it out there myself? I can make it look like we're looking for a PA instead. And you and I can handle the hiring process ourselves. That way, Riva couldn't do anything about it.", he proposed.

I like the idea. We can have someone as soon as possible. I want to let Riva go quickly. She's suffocating me already.

"Okay, do it." I stood up and was about to head to my room when I recalled something.

"By the way, how's the shipment going?" I faced Lawrence, who was now back on the couch and was busy typing on his phone.

"Shipment's good. The guns are now in the storehouse and well taken care of. I'll give you an update about it next week concerning the transport to the buyers.", he said while his eyes were still fixed on his phone.

I just nodded at him, though he couldn't see me. I turned around to head upstairs when he finished.

"Okay, done! Let's wait for the lucky applicants! Night, Don!" he stood up and went to his room, just below mine.

I didn't respond anymore; I just went upstairs and headed straight to my room. As soon as I stepped in, I went to the bathroom, removed my clothes, put them in the laundry basket, and showered. After a few minutes, I stepped out of the shower, dried myself, and went to my closet to get a pair of boxer shorts for me to wear in bed.

I sat on the left side of my bed and checked my phone for a bit. It's already 22:40. It's late already. I need to rest. Tomorrow is Saturday. I don't have to go to work tomorrow, though I do go there occasionally in cases of emergency meetings or unscheduled things. I hope someone will be interested in applying. I need to get rid of that bitch in the office as soon as possible.

.🖤 to be continued 🖤

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