13. Wet Dreams

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Wet dreams

(at Ava's apartment unit, same day, 19:21)

Author's POV

Ava slept for some hours. When she woke up, it was already past 7 pm. Ava went to the bathroom and freshened up. Then, she decided to give Christopher a call.

She looked for Christopher's name on her contacts list. When she found it, she tapped the call icon. The line rang twice before Chris picked it up.

"Ava!" said Christopher on the other line.

He sounded excited to see Ava had finally called him.

"Hi, Chris! How are you?" she responded, happy to be talking to Christopher again.

"I'm better now that you called. I've been waiting for your call today.", he answered.

"I'm so sorry it took me so long to call. When I got to my apartment, I received an email inviting me for an interview this afternoon. I didn't mean to call this late.", Ava explained, feeling a little guilty for keeping Christopher waiting.

"That's okay, Ava. I knew you would be busy today as this is your first time alone. I'm just relieved you have called now.", he said.

"Yeah. By the way, thanks for the phone, Chris. You know you didn't have to buy me one. I can buy it after I have my first salary. You have done a lot for me already.", she said, biting her lower lip. She felt embarrassed because Christopher had given and taken care of her a lot already.

"Hey, Ava, not a big deal. I couldn't be there to send you off and help you move out. It's the least that I could do. Besides, I know that having a phone would greatly help you. So please don't mind it. Okay?" he responded.

She smiled after Christopher said that. She appreciates Christopher. He had been a great friend to her. He had helped her with everything in the orphanage, and after everything, he still gave her a new phone.

"Thank you so much, Chris. And yes, it was a great help today. I was able to get a job today. I checked for available posts today from the phone and saw one. When I submitted my details, I was invited for an interview immediately. I got the job, Chris!" she almost screamed with too much happiness while telling Christopher what had happened that day.

"WOW! That's great news, Ava! I'm so happy and so proud of you! I always knew you would do great, Ava! I hope I was there to celebrate it with you!" he said excitedly.

"Yes, Chris. My boss was nice. The company building was amazing, too! I mean, I never thought I would be able to work for such an amazing company. I'm starting on Monday, Chris. I'm so excited about it!" she explained.

"Yeah, I can hear your excitement! By the way, which company will you be working with?" he asked.

"It's Moore Estate. The CEO is Mr. Axel Moore. He was the one who interviewed me today. He also offered to give me a ride home today.", she responded.

Then, there was silence. Ava was confused about why Christopher hadn't said anything back to her. She even checked the phone to see if the call was still on or cut off. The call was still on.

"Umm, Chris. Are you still there?" she asked.

Christopher cleared his throat, then answered Ava.

"Yeah, I'm still here. You said Moore Estate, right? The biggest in the construction and architecture industry. They have been successful for many years. The buildings and houses they have built are top-of-the-line.", he answered.

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